
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Harder Ni-Nights lately

Henry's been doing so well going down for his naps and for bedtimes too. For his naps I've been taking him upstairs to his room and we close the blinds and "wave bye-bye to the sunshine", then read a few books and turn on some soft music, then I lay him in his crib and he usually falls asleep within 10-15 minutes, sometimes with some light crying, but not major protesting. Then for bedtime he gets a bottle and then we lay him in his crib and he usually drifts off after a little playing, but usually no crying.

But since Sunday's bedtime he's been having a really hard time. It's a mystery why?? I usually end up chalking it up to teething, and I suppose it could be. Just last Friday and Sunday his two top outer (from the middle) teeth popped through which make 7 altogether for him. But those came through with no night-waking or hard crying at bedtime. He usually is really sleepy when we lay him down or has drifted off after drinking his bottle, and then after sometimes 1/2 hour he'll wake up and start crying. The past few nights he's needed us to rub his back to help him fall asleep. I've also given him Tylenol when he was really inconsolable.

Tonight was hilarious though. He was so exhausted by bedtime (we went to the pool this evening-4ish, so he didn't nap afterwards) and after drinking his bottle he was out. Then about 1/2 hour later he woke up crying, so I went upstairs and patted his back for a minute then went to sit in the rocker and sang to him and closed my eyes to pretend I was asleep and I could see him look at me and then lay back down. He did that 3 or 4 times, he'd even wake up and play some and look at me, and then finally he lay back down and fell asleep. Hopefully he's asleep for good now. It was just funny because he was clearly tired, but not upset, maybe just fighting it a little bit. Anyway, hopefully he'll get back on track. He has been sleeping through the night for lots of nights now, so I'm very very thankful for that.

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