Yesterday was Henry's 1-year well-child doctor's appointment. He wasn't feeling well and had a fever Monday evening and woke up Tuesday morning with the fever and was being extra fussy and just wasn't himself at all, so I was glad that we had an appointment and he would get to see the doctor, although I thought the fever might have been from teething since he had no other symptoms. After the doctor checked him (which by the way he really hated for the first time. As soon as the nurse started measuring his head he started to cry and when the doctor checked his ears and throat--all the basics--he cried so much he was crying real tears. That's when I knew that he was definitely not feeling well at all because usually he's so laid back and nothing bothers him..he usually loves a stranger!)---anyway, after the doctor checked him he announced that his throat looked fine but both of his little ears were infected. So that explains why he's had the fever and been more fussy and having a hard time sleeping, and not being interested in eating. It's so sad because he's really not been himself these past few days. He was playing a little bit tonight, but he got tired faster and wanted to be held a lot. He's on an antibiotic, the same one he took when he had his other ear infection. Hopefully that (along with lots of prayer!) will help kick out the infection fast.
Henry didn't end up getting his immunizations since he was running a fever and already feeling under the weather, so we have to run back in to get those as soon as he's feeling better again. However, they did do all of the are his 1-year stats:
Height: 30.5 inches, 70%ile
Weight: 24 lbs 8 oz, 75%ile
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