Here is Henry with his friends (from L to R) Charlie, Emily and Caroline. We are so sad because Emily and Caroline are moving to Florida. This picture was taken on Sunday when we got together with them and they left for Fl on Monday. John who works for State Farm was transferred there. We are going to miss them all so much. Henry and Emily are 2 months apart (Emily is 16 months), but they've always kept pace with eachother over the months. They've both always been chubby babies and big for their age, and both were late crawlers. They've been good friends and we're sad to see them go.
What an adorable photo! I almost didn't recognize Charlie; he's gotten so big. Henry is blonder and tanner than ever. I bet you're really going to miss Claire, John and the girls; their year in Bloomington went by super fast. Miss you and love you, Mom.
Hey, Christina!
Could this photo be any cuter? I almost didn't recognize Charlie; he's grown so much. Could Henry be any more blonde or tan?! The girls are adorable and I'm sure you all are going to miss them. Great news about Payton this morning. I was awake numerous times during the night praying. Have a wonderful day. Love you and miss you! Mom
Christina, I am so glad you put this picture up. The kids have all grown so much! I was so jealous of Jason getting to see everyone in Bloomington last week. Patrick told Jason about your blog and I enjoy checking it every now and then. Take care!
The picture turned out too cute. We miss you guys. Give Charlie and Henry a big hug for me.
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