The saga of our porch dwelling owl continues. He actually left his stoop on the porch sometime during Sunday night and we didn't see him again all week (which made Henry really sad! Everyday when he woke up we would ask him if he thought he would see the owl that day and he always nodded his head with a strong belief that he would.) Then yesterday morning I opened the blinds before I left for work and guess whooo was back? Our owl! Except he switched stoops on the porch to the opposite side and also (this is a very sad part) we're pretty sure the nest he is sitting on belongs to some morning doves that nest there every year. And we saw him with some eggs that we are pretty sure don't belong to him. So sadly we think our owl is a nest stealing, egg robber. Henry is totally fascinated with him and is usually glued to the window when the owl is there. So that's cute to watch!
Did you guys identify the type of owl yet?
Dan just looked it up in his bird book and says it a juvenile eastern screech owl. The only alternative would be the great horned own, which is about 22" long.
We can all sleep a little easier now that we've identified the owl. :-)
Sara's right, it is a screech owl. If it is sitting on eggs it would be his or hers. Owls nest very early in the year where as a morning dove wouldn't lay eggs until it's much warmer.
Very cool, it's usually hard to see an owl much less have one hanging out on your porch. Enjoy owl watching!
Jamie (Sara's friend :) )
Are you going to post new pics with the owl eating the bird? I'd love to see that!
Christina, Mr. Miller would be so proud you have an owl on your porch. How funny :) My husband says "their son is so beautiful" - which I agree with. WE hope all is well, enjoy nature - morgan
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