
Saturday, April 14, 2007


We had a great Easter weekend. The weather was a bit blustery and cold, but it was still a relaxing, and fun weekend with family. We stayed home for Easter and my mom came here and we went to Patrick's parents house for Easter dinner. Holidays are just so much fun with Henry. He reminds me of all of the simple joys that I've always loved about the holidays.

It was fun hiding his Easter basket and then waking up at home on Easter morning and watching him find it. We gave him a little tractor and a few little trucks that I put them on top of his Easter basket. When he found it he was so excited about those that he just took them out of the basket and left the rest there. Even after I took the basket out into the living room for him he kept going over to behind the door where it was hidden and saying "tractor?", "tractor?". He also loved doing the Easter egg hunt at Patrick's parents house. His mom hid close to 100 eggs outside for all of the little cousins to find. He got excited when he found an egg, but he mostly loved opening it up and letting whatever was in it fall out and then he would leave the candy and opened egg laying in the yard. Oh another of his favorite things from the Easter season was the Easter bunny at the mall. He loved that bunny and the few times we went to the mall and strolled past it he wanted to stop and wave at him for awhile. He didn't get a chance to sit on his lap because the prices are outrageous! But he loved him from afar. I'm sad that I didn't get a picture of him in his outfit on Easter. He looked darling. I'll just have to put him in it another time and take one then.

1 comment:

Jeanie Bree said...

Hey Vance...GREAT photos. I'm glad Henry had such a blast on Easter. It's not possible that he's almost 2.
Congrats again on your exciting baby news. You two are perfect parents.
Love, Jeanie