
Friday, May 11, 2007

A Little Taste of Normal

I'm so excited to update with some good news. Henry has been doing well for the past two days! Wednesday he went the whole day without getting sick and then right before his bath he had some major sickness strike. So, yesterday it was thrilling to get him to bed and have our first full day without any throw up! Small pleasure, but so wonderful. Since he's still too little to communicate when that is about to happen I feel like I have been constantly bracing myself for it throughout the day these past few days. Today was his second full day, and really the first day that he has started to seem like himself again. He's laughing a lot again, playing with tractors tons, and has been loving to run up and down our driveway and the little hill in our front yard. Patrick also went back to work today and is feeling so much better. It is just such a relief to have them both back to feeling healthy and well. I must admit I was getting really worried about Henry on day 5 when he was still getting sick. But thank you for your prayers, I am so grateful for them! And besides having some frazzled nerves and having another little collision in my driveway (most of you know that last summer I backed into our house while backing out of the driveway, well-I've topped that-now I've backed one car into the other while backing out of the driveway. My nerves were very frazzled this week with all of this sickness and this happend on the way to pick up Henry's prescription.)I have been feeling great!

Thank you for thinking of our family.


Rachel said...

I'm glad to hear about Henry and Patrick!! BUT you and your two cars!! WHOOPS!! You crack me up!

Jeanie Bree said...

I'm also glad that your family is on the road to recovery. Thank you for your kind words about Olivia. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I am very happy to hear that Henry and Patrick are feeling better. Being sick is awful, and it's hard to watch loved ones go through it.
Accidents happen,and that's why we have insurance, right??? Ha ha! (I only laugh because I have accidents with myself too!)
Love, Erica