1. Yesterday I made a whole grain and wild rice box mix with our dinner. It was a brownish rice with darker brown grains throughout it. Henry, who loves rice, sat down to eat dinner and took one look at the rice and excitedly said, "bugs!" Patrick and I were cracking up that he thought the darker grains of rice were bugs. He was eating around them and handing the "bugs" to us. I just think it's funny that he thinks I would serve him bugs for dinner and that I (of all people) would eat them!
2. Isn't it weird how chocolate retains its shape when you cook with it. For example, when you bake chocolate chips into brownies once the brownies are cooled the chocolate chips are still in their chocolate chip form. How does this happen? I know this is a very deep thought.
3. Our new bathroom is underway! I'm so excited to report that we are adding a 1/2 bath to our 1st floor! A much needed (and wanted) update. Patrick started working on it yesterday--mostly the demo stage. Then last night we went to Lowes and picked out our sink, mirror, light fixture and paint colors. He's going to be working on it this weekend. I can't wait until it's up and running. I'll be posting pics.
4. I'm off to New York! I leave tomorrow to visit my best friend from childhood, Katie and her family and will finally meet her baby. I'm feeling a bit anxious about leaving Henry and being away from him. It will be the longest we've been apart. I know he will be fine and he'll get to enjoy some time with his grandparents. Something I just realized is that I went to NY when I was pregnant with Henry and now I'm going pregnant with this baby. Hmmm, interesting. I'll be sure to post pics of that visit, too.
1 comment:
I just made these peanut butter chocolate bars and the chips stayed intact, and I wasn't expecting that (but I knew when it didn't have me melt and spread them that it would). It kind of bothers me too. (ha ha, big problems in life huh?)
I can't believe you're putting in an entirely new bathroom- where will it be? I can't wait to see it!
Did Henry have cha-cha with his bugs? he he
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