
Thursday, August 16, 2007

2-Year Well Visit

Today was Henry's 2-year checkup. (a little late!) He definitely understands where we're going when we talk about it, although he really preferred that we go to mommy's doctor instead. He's getting pretty fearful of the doctor and I'm starting to break a sweat taking him there! He's really happy in the waiting room, but from there he gets pretty upset. When they called us to come back (which fortunately we never have to wait, they are so prompt) he said no and I had to pick him up from the little chair he was sitting in and carry him back. Then he didn't want to stand on the big boy scale or have the measuring part come anywhere near his head. Ah! He wasn't thrilled with the doctor poking around, but I'm getting more impressed with our doctor's ability to distract him. He tells him he sees cat's and other weird things when he looks in his ears and mouth (it's weird, but works for Henry!).

So for his stats...he weighs 36 lbs and is 35 3/4 inches tall. He's off the charts for his weight and is in the upper 90% for his height. I asked the doctor is his weight was a concern (I think Patrick's 5-year old nephew weighs 36 lbs!) and he said no because of his solid build. I offered that he takes after his father's side...shorter and stocky, and the doctor said that there's nothing short about him. Can you believe a Vance is hearing that?!? He thinks if he continues to grow at this rate he will be tall! I didn't get an exact prediction, but Patrick was thrilled when I told him the doctor's words.

He's a healthy boy which is obviously the most important thing and I am so grateful for that. Really my only concern was his quite chronic ear infections. He's had 9 total in his life and most of them have been back-to-back. His ears were clear today and the doctor wants us to wait before pursuing any other options to see if the problem clears up with his age. He said that the incidence of ear infections decreases dramatically after a child turns 2. I asked him about the possible correlation to a milk allergy, but he said that he would have constant symptoms such as a runny nose and sinus infections if he did have an allergy to milk. (Holly showed me some research online where ear infections have been linked to milk allergies.) When the doctor said he was done, Henry perked up and was happy to thank the doctor and say bye-bye to him!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I had to look back at my post on Gabe's 2-year check-up and their height was exactly the same (35 3/4), but Henry has a good 6 pounds on Gabe when he just turned 2!

He's such a cutie and glad he is healthy.

Love you guys and see you tomorrow.
