Good point Holly about the sneaking in veggies and never actually expecting your children to eat them whole. I forgot to mention that Jessica said she always still serves up veggies on the side for her children so that hopefully they will eat them, but she feels like even if they don't she knows that they're getting the nutrition they need from the meal. I think the goal is to keep serving them though and then eventually they will choose to eat them on their own.
I am a childhood friend of Holly's. the above website is fun and interactive for kids to learn about fruits and vegetables. Your son might be a little too young to do this himself, but you can play with him!
Also check out this:
VERY CUTE broccoli idea!
Here is a chart to track your child's 5 A Day intake!
May be a motivator. Get a gold star every time they eat vegetables. The reward may be to pick out a new video at the library? Buy a new coloring book or new crayons!
Videos! There are some songs too on a similar website.
I think I am getting a little carried away here. HAVE FUN
Hey Sarah do you want to come over and take the 20 min. it takes to make my kid the "Broccoli Forest"? You seem to have some time on your hands!!! :)
Just kiddin' ya, I may use some of the ideas. That dip sounded kind of yummy- maybe it'll make me eat more veggies!
(for those who don't know I'm Holly's sister, and know Sarah as well. I'm not just a random mean person.) :)
Something I've learned from working with children with disabilities (who are especially picky when it comes to eating) is that you should always offer it on their plate and eventually they will try it...even if they end up deciding that they dont' like it!! Good idea on the puree though....although I have no problems Aliyah eats veggies all the time. I have a hard time getting her to eat some starches...go figure!!
I'll be home in December. I take that challenge. haha
Obviously I dont know what it's like to have a child who doesnt eat his/her veggies.
I loved veggies when I was little.
I called broccoli "trees" and cauliflower "trees with snow".
Actually, I recall not being fond of cauliflower, but loved PEAS, broccoli and brussel sprouts. My mother never gave us sauces or cheese on them either. Just cooked or raw. LOVE LOVE LOVE them still!
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