Am I trying to sell you on this hairless cat? Not really. It all started on Tuesday morning when I came downstairs and smelled the familiar smell of a dead mouse. Why familiar you ask? Most recently, in college our dorm had a mouse infestation. I saw one in my closet once running up and down the sleeves of my clothes and stood on my desk crying until Patrick came to save the day. I later threw away several sweatshirts in my panicked and traumatized haste. Shortly after that I smelled an awful smell only to find out from the maintenance man that the mouse had died under my fridge (ahh, can it get any worse?).
Fast forward to Tuesday morning, as soon as my nose hit the living room I smelled that same awful smell. Never having once seen or heard a mouse in this house, I tried to eliminate every other possibility. I cleaned out the fridge, emptied out the garbage cans from every room in the house, burned several candles and put a new tart in the burner. Nonetheless, everytime I walked past the small loveseat in the living room, that dead mouse-ish smell wafted by. No mouse alive or dead has been discovered even though Patrick has searched every area that my nose has dictated. The weird thing is that the smell has actually decreased every day. (I hope I'm not used to it and that every where I go I'm smelling like the dead mouse.)
In the midst of all of this I told Patrick that if a mouse is discovered we're going to get a hairless cat. Not really, but I thought it would be a possible alternative to the hairy kind that he's allergic to.
I think the hairless cat is really cute!! You guys would definitely have an interesting pet! I did, however, just watch the Friends episode where Rachel got a hairless cat, and it was mean to her. That's just a tv show though! :-) I would rather have a mean sphinx than a mouse any day. Hopefully your nose was just playing tricks on you.
Can I just say that I am SHOCKED that you think this hairless cat is cute!! Shocked! I never thought I'd hear you say cute and cat in the same sentence. :-) I thought it was a little creepy myself! But I do agree, if I find a mouse (the smell seems absent today---oops) a creepy/mean sphinx would definitely be better. :-)
This is a great idea - an answer to the prayers of mouse-o-phobics who are married to people with cat allergies!
And not to pray on your fears about being used to the mouse smell, but remember the fateful day I came to school smelling like skunk? Remember it had died in the night and I woke up in teh middle of the night smelling it, but when I got up in the morning, I couldn't smell it anymore...unfortunately everyone else still did!
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