We hoped the rain would stop so we optimistically went to get cider and donuts in the apple barn first. The boys loved the donuts, which were still warm when we got them. Henry, who still gets diluted juice, was especially fond of the super sweet apple cider. William loved sneaking tastes of the donuts along with some of Oma's apple pie.

The rain hadn't stopped when we finished our food in the apple barn, so we decided to look around at the store inside for a little bit. We also got to see a forklift driving palettes of apples into the barn to be washed. Henry was fascinated so we stood there for awhile watching that. Finally after some pleading from the boys to pick our own apples we decided to bundle up and go for it. We drove our vans out to the orchard and let the big boys pick while Caleb and William sat in the stroller and watched.

They were so patient and sweetly munched on crackers while they watched their brothers pick apples. I just noticed that William is wearing the same sweatshirt that Henry was wearing on his first apple orchard outing.

(This picture is from Sara's post; she has lots of good pictures here.)
Gabe and Henry hugging - they were so sweet!
Gabe and Henry in 2006
Caleb, Gabe and Henry
(another hug!)

(another hug!)
We had such a great afternoon together and we were able to spend some more time together on Friday night and Saturday. It was worth getting a little bit wet-the boys picked some yummy apples and we have some great memories from that day.
Thank you for bringing out the old photos along with the new! They brought tears to my eyes. Where have two whole years gone? OMG :(
Haven't the boys grown; and to think that Caleb and William were still in the making when we went there the first time. Awwww
These photos are priceless, as are Sara's. Thank you for capturing our memories that day. I will remember that day for a long time. Love you. Mom/Oma
I was also going to say that I love the flashback pictures. I think I'll try to incorporate more of those in future posts. I also can't wait for our annual apple orchard trip (we usually go in October, but this is making me want to go sooner!).
I LOVE the flashback pictures too! So sweet.
All those boys are just adorable!!! I'm glad the trip was still a good time, and the rain makes it even more of a memory!
Love you,
Can your boys BE anymore beautiful? I think not. :)
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