William is eleven months old and just weeks from his first birthday. It has been a great year and never ceases to amaze me how much a baby grows and changes in his first year. It's weird that I was still pregnant with William last year at this time; now it's hard to imagine a day without him.
He is definitely a boy on the move. He took his first step from me to Patrick on September 16. Since then he has been going from sitting to standing on his own and has taken lots more steps - five or six is his record.

He loves my cell phone and now gets really upset if I'm talking on it and he's not. Today when I was talking he came speed crawling over to me and sat beside me and put his little palm up to his cheek, imitating me on the phone. Henry has a green toy cell phone that William likes to play with - he holds it behind his head when he "talks" on it. He likes to take turns on the phone and passes it to me and then waits for me to talk and pass it back to him.

In the spirit of the election in this election season, I'll share William's latest nicknames - Johnny Mac and Maverick. Ok, so we don't really call him by those names, but we do have moments between us where we have to laugh because of the resemblance. Just look at the white (blond) hair, hair line and those chubby cheeks.
OK, the John McCain comparison cracks me up! Also, we have the same problem with our hippo, and Caleb get SO mad when he gets stuck.
He's a cutie and it's hard to believe he's almost one! And taking steps!
Love you guys and hope to see you tomorrow!
William is so adorable. I love the white hair! Way too cute! He is a model baby :)
I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing time on your vacation. I am so jealous! Let me know how you are doing!
I can't believe that William has taken his first steps!! It's amazing to me how quickly these 2007 babies are growing up. I am so excited to see him in action.
I love that he mimics you on the phone... That is too cute.
William is an ADORABLE little boy. The McCain comparison cracks me up too. I don't see it, but it's funny to see the side by side pictures of the two.
Love you,
Ok, so maybe (and hopefully!) William doesn't look too much like John McCain--I think it's just the light hair, the way the hair is parted and the fact that I watch CNN 12 hours a day!!!
I think you should get your boys to a modeling agency!!! I've never seen two cuter brothers in all my life!
Time sure does fly! William is such a handsome boy. He and Henry are similar to K and A in that they look similar but not exactly alike! What a doll!
I just don't see it; the "McCain" comparison, but if you'd like we can start calling baby boo McWilliam since he is Irish and all! LOL
I agree with Jeanie Bree about the modeling agency and it's not because their my grandsons; they are just beautiful boys. JUST DO IT. You may be very surprised. :)Mom/Oma
William is a doll. I think he is going to be fearless like Henry. When they get older, they will have so much fun together.
love ya,
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