The little town that we visit for the 4th of July parade also has a Christmas lights display every December. They fill the park with a variety of Christmas lights, blowup Christmas characters, the Nativity scene and decorated trees. It's small, but cute and always worth driving through a few times and walking through at least once. We took the boys last week and planned on just driving through since it was such a chilly night. After driving through once, Henry convinced us to get out of the van and walk around to see the lights. We enjoyed seeing the lights. Fast. And we were ready to jump back into the warm van by the time we were done.

A glimpse at the decorated park. Quite the variety.

Henry plodding through the snow.

Me, William and Henry
Hilarious. I'm the only one smiling. Everyone was so frozen.

Patrick, William and Henry

Me and William

Ok funnyman. If you're not going to smile for a picture, this is what happens. I love the way William is looking at Patrick. So confused!

William wearing Patrick's gloves.
Bless his heart, he still tried to point at everything with those big, floppy fingers!

More pointing.
One of the boys' favorite things to do this month is to drive around our neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. They both get so excited; William pointing and Henry exclaiming about what colors he sees. I think it's sweet which light displays a child finds the most beautiful. In general, the more lights and blowup characters in one yard, the better.
What a fun tradition! When the girls were little we always went throught the Woodward display several times a season. Doug and I still do!! Love Ruth
What great memories for you guys! I always loved driving through the lights in Rockford with my parents when I was a kid - in fact, I still do!
ps - I didn't see my mom's comment before I posted mine. Kind of weird that we said the same thing.. like mother like daughter..
The Christmas lights are beautiful. I love how excited both boys are to see them in the park and around town. It sounds like it was a fun, family, holiday night!
I've always loved the holiday lights. It looks like you and the boys had a wonderful time even if it was cold.
love ya,
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