I love the little town that Patrick works in and like trying the different local cuisine. Soon it will be our little town and our local cuisine. I'm trying to have an open mind and get familiar with it. I'm so proud of Patrick for his commitment to his job and the positive attitude he keeps every day driving an hour there and an hour back home again. (I wouldn't want to do it every day!) As much as I don't love the idea of leaving our house and starting over in a new town with strangers and strange places, there are some things I am really looking forward to. One of them is being able to visit Patrick at work on a whim. The boys love being there and playing with all of his "office-y" stuff (i.e. the water cooler). And it will be grrrrrrrrreat having Patrick home an hour earlier at night!

Patrick hard at work.
Patrick's wonderful assistant Anita. She's so sweet to the boys. And they love her. They always flock around her desk when we're there. She keeps a stash of toys at the office for them, too. Very sweet.
Last but not least, check out the gorgeous view from Patrick's back office window...
Mickey-D's + greasy nugget omissions = not good for Patrick's resolve.

Last but not least, check out the gorgeous view from Patrick's back office window...

You know Christina we have one of those water coolers at our house that we use to use that we don't anymore......you could bring it into your home :) HEHE!!
I know EXACTLY where Patrick's office is! I went through that McDonald's Drive Thru WAY too often when I worked at that school.
This is a big change, but I'm excited for all of you. It'll be so nice to have lunch with Patrick whenever you want and for him not to have such a long commute.
I love the joy kids find in every day things. Henry will be a pro at filling up cups!
Love you,
I didn't know you were moving...I will be praying for you, it sounds stressful, but exciting at the same time...do you know when this will happen?
Gabe just said of this post: "I didn't know they had kitties?!" because that big water cooler looks just like the little one we have for the cats. :-)
It is a cute little town and I know that you will love it there once you get settled.
love ya,
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