nonna [nonn-naa]
noun- a must have for sleep
- a must have for wake
- a must have for play
Note: not to be confused with nanna for 'banana'
Origin: Gerber Nuk
Related forms:
nonna-NONNA, verb (i.e. give me my nonna, NOW)
William with "nonna"

I've never used any cute catchy words for William's pacifier. Mostly it's always been his pacifier or sometimes paci- for short if I'm looking to abbreviate. I was however a shameless paci-pusher since his birth. Henry never took a pacifier, with the exception of the very early days when his "taking it" required my holding it in his mouth so he wouldn't pop it right out. I thought of all of the ways that a pacifier could be handy in lots of situations and many times wished Henry would take one, but alas he wasn't the kind of baby who was in to those kinds of things. And then came William. I pushed the paci and he adored it from the start. I began giving it to him to soothe him before naptimes and bedtime; the whole time fully aware of the trouble this might cause me a few months down the road. In the past few weeks his pacifier has become 'nonna'. Sounds like his word for "nigh-night". He calls for it and gets angry if it falls out of his crib. And now he wants it with him at all times. Even Henry knows when William is upset and calling for 'nonna' and he helps him find one. I've indulged him since he's teething and it seems to soothe him and also since he's named it and it sounds so sweet to hear him calling for his little pacifier. I know I'm
that mom with the big kid and the pacifier. I'm willing to accept the second glances and some glares because I know my baby loves his little pacifier enough to name it
and because I know that 24 months will soon be here and Nonna will be forever gone.
I would say you are "that" mom who loves your child and you are "that" mom who realizes that William having nonna right now is not going to result in him going down some horrible path later in life. :)
P.S. Love him in the photos; so cute and getting so big!
How precious is my love?! :)
Right now he just needs his Nonna; it won't always be that way. You are such a good mommy to realize this is not going to cause any permanent damage. He is so sweet. Let him rock on with his Nonna! Love, Oma
At least your not THAT mom whose child still has a bottle at 20 months. :-)
If my kids would have taken a paci past three months or so, I would have for sure gone with it. He looks adorable and I love the name he came up with for it!
Good to see you guys for a little bit on Sunday.
Love you!
I think it's cute too. You can always slowly phase it out where it's only allowed in the crib, and then you give it up together at a birthday or holiday or something (a friend did this with lots of success, exchanged them and found all of them in the house for a gift or something).
The alternative that I'm dealing with now is a 3 1/2 year old (and an almost 20 month old) who sucks his thumb all the time. His teeth are showing the signs of it, but I can't just tell him to stop it! I'm not sure if I should start the methods of putting stuff on his thumb that taste bad (I really don't want to do that...) but I also don't want his permanent teeth affected. Raising kids is always full of questions!
I LOVE that William has named his paci. He is just absolutely adorable!!! You know that William and Ben are "nonna" friends so we're "those" mothers together! :-)
Love you,
Aliyah had a pacifier until she was 2 and thank the Lord she did! He's getting so big and handsome! Amber :)
You are such a talented writer Christina! Thank you for sharing your story and making me laugh. I doubt you are "that" mother in any area of your life...if your little guy wants his "noona" then so be it. It won't hurt anything and it's meeting his needs now. Jake will be 2 in a couple weeks and is completely, 100% totally hooked on his binkies. And not just one. He needs at least 3 at all times. One in the mouth and one in each hand. Craziness. But, it helps soothe him. They will be with our family for a while still!
Keep up the great work sweetie. ~Amy
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