
Monday, April 06, 2009

before noon

dead mouse on sticky trap in living room
snow on the ground, enough to cover the green grass (and dash any hopes of spring being near)
Henry off to preschool
William to the doctor
double otitis media, one ear infection in each ear that is
learned more about my doctor's wife and stepson's trip to the Dells than pros and cons of using prescribed antibiotic
to the grocery store
tried new store (against my best-never-change-routine-judgment)
had to bag my own groceries
to the pharmacy
dropped off prescription
put the self-bagged groceries away
to the pharmacy
picked up prescription
William asleep in van
carry sleeping 30 lb baby in to preschool
pick up Henry
carry backpack and sleeping baby back to van

does it feel like Monday yet?


Anonymous said...

I would have gone back to bed (or the beach) after having found the dead mouse! Ewwwww Girl; where do you get the energy? You must have one incredible mom! LOL Love, Mom!

Erica said...

Oh my goodness! You didn't tell me all that! I hope you went through the Starbucks drive-thru for a special coffee treat during your morning errands. I would be going to bed early tonight so I could wake up to a new day!

Hope tomorrow is MUCH, MUCH better!
And that William is feeling better!!!

Love you,

Sara said...

Oh my...I'm tired just reading that! Sounds like a rough morning! Hope things are better tomorrow.

Love you!


Holstix said...

Wow! Our days seem rather similar. I feel like I am going crazy lately with everything I have to do. I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

What a morning! Sorry to hear William is sick. Hope he is feeling better soon! Nothing worse than a mouse, dead or alive! ICK!! Gotta be a better day tomorrow!! Love, Ruth

Anonymous said...

What a terrible morning. Hope William is feeling better and that your other mornings this week were much better.
love ya,

Rachel said...

OMG! are you glad it's finally Friday now? Is William feeling better?

Amy said...

I just read your comment Joyce and bust a gut! Do you remember the time we got back to your house from shopping and we found the dead mouse in your dining room? Do you remember the get-up you changed into to remove said mouse? Snow shovel, plastic gloves up to your shoulders and boots!!!!! I so wish you could hear me laughing right now at this fond memorie...well, fond except for the whole dead mouse bit!


Katie said...

go super mom - i cant believe that all that is possible before noon given what my days are like lately! LOL