
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

first snowman of 2010

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We've had lots of snow since Christmas but it hasn't been the right kind of snow for making snowballs or building snowmen. Last week it started to warm up a little bit and melt the snow just enough to make it wet and perfect for packing.
Finally we built our first snowman.
Well, I should say Henry and I built him. Here was William,
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He got all bundled up, you know the fifteen minute process, and then stayed outside for less time than it took to roll the bottom snowball of the snowman; probably ten minutes and then he was crying to go inside. These are the times when it's hard having two boys but only being able to be in one place at a time. Henry was distraught at having to come inside with only 1/3 of our snowman complete. But William was not going to stay outside, he just wasn't having it.
Call me a terrible mom, but I let William come inside and get out of his snow gear. Then I went outside and helped Henry finish building his snowman. William stood by the door and watched us the entire time. {Actually once the snowman was finished, we threw snowballs at the doors to William and he cracked up. This became a game that lasted at least 10 minutes!}
When the snowman was done, I ran inside to grab my camera
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but Henry was still working on something.
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"a snow booty!", he screamed as he excitedly slapped some snow on the back of the snowman.

So here he is in all his glory; our first snowman of 2010 complete with chocolate-chip cookie eyes, the standard carrot nose, a hat, scarf, stick arms, gloves and a booty.
Picnik collage


Jeanie Bree said...

I love it! Couldn't ask for a better snowman than that!!!

Erica said...

These are pretty pictures of a good looking snowman! Love him and his booty! Henry is too funny. Love his big smile as he points to the snowman's booty.

It's sweet that William watched from the warm house. That's where I would've been... :-)


AKHogan said...

I love the snow booty! But I would have been warm in the house with William!!

Anonymous said...

Love your snowman!! Great eyes and what a booty!!!! Love, Ruth

Unknown said...

Looks good! I hear you about the two places at once. There have been many times in warm weather I have been either out or in with 1, but I wouldn't say it's bad parenting especially when you can still keep your eye on the other.

Holstix said...

What a great mommy you are. I understand all about trying to please both children with different needs at the same time. Congrats to you for making it work. The snowman was adorable... such talent :)

Sara said...

That's the beauty of those french doors - you really can be in two places at once! I was cracking up at the "snow booty." Too funny!!

Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Love the snowman. I think that things worked out well. William was willing to watch in a nice warm place and you could help Henry. Maybe William will be willing to try again when he gets a little older.
love ya,