
Thursday, January 28, 2010

resolution check up

Here's my resolution chalkboard. I thought since the end of January is drawing near, I'd take just a minute to reflect on how these resolutions are going.
shabby chalkboard
First off, that half marathon.
Oh my. Is it just me or does running always seem like it's going to be easier than it is? Thinking about it feels like it will be no problem, but then after two minutes on the treadmill, it's Thankfully I have a partner for the training. I convinced Patrick to also run a half marathon, so we're training together. We decided on The Rockford Marathon, which is May 16.
Patrick got this training plan from a friend (who happens to be a crazy runner. He and his wife do mega-marathons {50ish miles} on the weekend for fun.):
Hal Higdon's half-marathon training for novices.
Then Doug was kind enough to outline this specific training plan on his blog:
The training plans are actually really similar and have been super helpful. I really had no idea where to start. It helps me to have a guide to follow and check things off as I go. Patrick and I are in week 2. As of this morning, I've run 16 miles. But that's in nearly 2 weeks. On May 16, I'm going to run 13 in one day.
Like I said,

On getting organized:
exhibit A
January - 2010 891
exhibit B
January - 2010 894
This isn't going so well. What do you do with all of your stuff? School papers, crafts, tupperware, just little things here and there and everywhere. It feels overwhelming.

On making healthy whole-wheat pancakes:
Henry thought these were "chocolate" and got really excited. Then he tasted one. He hated it and didn't like that I was tricking him. I think I'll try half and half. But I'll keep trying. So far though, not good.

On reading through my Bible:
I have never read my Bible from front to back. It's something that I really want to do and I feel embarrassed that I never have. I got a reading plan from Bible Gateway , and the daily readings are emailed to my Blackberry. Seeing it in my inbox keeps me accountable, but I do the actual reading in my physical Bible. I like the feel of the pages and holding the actual book. I've read through Genesis and tonight I'll finish Exodus. It's interesting. I'm a little bit nervous for Leviticus, but I don't want to leave anything out. So that will start tomorrow.


Jeanie Bree said...

Sounds like you are doing great. I always tell the kids at school....."Do we have to be perfect, you have to give new things a try, yes".

Just a suggestion (and you know I'm weird), but I get really excited to organize when I get to use my label maker. You can find pretty inexpensive ones and they are ever so much fun!

Unknown said...

Christina- You can do the marathon I did 10 miles this year for St. Jude and this August I am hoping to do 13-15. I know if I can do the whole running thing anyone can! I do give you credit for doing it on the treadmill as I get too bored on anything stationary.

Organization: Kaylee's school stuff I keep in an accordian file. I get a different one for each year and keep her stuff in there. I start in the front and work my way to the back so it stays in somewhat of an time order from beginnig to end of year. I do the same with their doctor visit stuff, etc. Then at the end of the year I write the school year on it and put it down stairs. I know one day I'll need to go through them more thuroughly but for now it works.

On the Bible, I'm with you. I've always wanted to do that as well. I don't do it daily, more like weekly/bi-weekly, but I have gotten through Genesis.

Good luck and keep your eye on the prize :)

Sara said...

I think it's so amazing that you are doing the 1/2 marathon! What a great goal and you'll feel so accomplished when you finish. We will be there to cheer to you guys on!

And I like the Bible reading plan, too. I've started a few, but never finished. Having the e-mail reminder would be very helpful.

And I can't help you at all with the organization factor, because I struggle with that, too! Especially the papers. I like the idea above, though, of an accordian file. Might need to try that one.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I love your resolutions. It is inspiring me to make some too, though I'm thinking that the 1/2 marathon may be beyond me. I keep thinking that at close to 60 I may be getting a little too old for that, but we'll see. I like your Bible reading and organizing resolutions too. Maybe I'll do a finish cleaning up the laundry room resolution.
love ya,

Ruth said...

I really like your friends accordian file folder idea! Looking forward to seeing you guys at the 1/2 marathon in Rockford! I know you can do it! (I'll be the one clapping and cheering on the sidelines :0)

Rachel said...

HEY! I think it's so exciting that you and Patrick are running the Half Marathon in Rockford. That's amazing. I know the both of you can do it! :)

As for whole wheat, let's be honest, what 4 year old is going to say, YUM MOMMY THIS IS THE BEST THING I EVER ATE... they love chocolate (esp. Henry!). He's his mother's son.

As for your Bible, I would love to have a weekly reading (I'd like to say nightly, but that may not happen). And not to just read it, but to actually understand it and get something out of it!

Christina, all in all, you are an amazing mother, wife, friend, organizer (whether you think so or not!) and Christian. That's what everyone loves about you! :)