I came across this quote on this blog {Clover Lane}. I wrote it down right away and have thought about it every day since.
With less than two weeks until our move, this quote has been burned into my mind. I say it to myself throughout the day. And this morning I thought it would help my packing efforts if I jotted it down on the blackboard in the kitchen. {The blackboard that the buyer wrote into the contract; can you believe she wanted my blackboard? The nerve. Haha. Luckily I married the most understanding man who politely said "no" even though I'm sure he was dying of embarrassment.}
The part about something you "don't know to be useful" will help as I open the numerous drawers and cabinets in my kitchen. Some of the gadgets in my gadget drawer seem very handy, yet come to think of it I've never known them to be useful for a day in my married life. And those springform pans? I'm sure the cheesecake would taste divine. But have I ever known them to be useful? Um, NO!
And having nothing I "don't believe to be beautiful" will hopefully echo through my brain as I'm trying to decide whether to pack or donate the trinkity knick-knacks that students gave me when I was their teacher. I mean if I don't believe something to be beautiful should it really have a place of honor on top of my bedroom dresser? I'm thinking that I'm ready to pare down and let go. Chanting this new moving mantra all the way to the U-Haul.
So true! I will say I have a set of 3 springforms, a small, med, large..probably came in some sort of set, I don't recall. But I have used them, successfully, for other cakes, just you regular birthday cake type cake, and it makes it so much easier to get the cake out of the pan in one piece, because of the springform coming a part from the side, and to make mult-layered cakes without having to cut one of them down in size.
Not trying to make you keep things you don't use...just trying to offer a different purpose :)
I LOVE that you wrote it on your chalkboard! (And I'm glad Patrick told the woman 'NO' so you have a chalkboard to write good quotes on!) I think it's time for me to do a little spring cleaning and start using that rule here. I wish I could help you sort and pitch this week.
Miss you and love you!
PS-My springform pans did end up at the local donation center.... :-)
I can't believe she wrote your chalkboard into the contract! That's crazy.
I love this quote and I was fascinated by her "40 bags in 40 days" resolution..I couldn't believe all her empty drawers! Definitely made me want to do some hard-core decluttering!
Keep up the good work! It feels good to let go of things you don't need (at least that's what I try to tell myself!).
Love you,
THANK YOU for posting this Christina! It is oh so true and will help me as I'm preparing for a large yard sale. I think we sometimes forget that it's okay to let an item go. I appreciate the reminder! Have fun letting go... :-)
I can't believe she wrote the chalkboard into the contract! Way to go Patrick for knowing how important that is to you :) It's really cute- did you make it?
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