Our side-door at Leland Street. I always adored the panels and the little mail door that clanged shut.
I spent the rest of the week in this cycle: missing, longing, disliking, missing, longing, disliking, missing...But our God has a way of reminding us of His faithfulness to us and of the things that really matter in this short, blink-of-an-eye, kind of life we live. I wanted to be back at Leland, home, where I felt comfortable and safe. But that easy-cheesy living isn't always the way we grow and change and yada-yada-ya. Being here on Rosewood and feeling uncomfortable is a chance for me to feel safe and secure in God's love and trust him for my comfort and not all of those silly things like doorknobs and window noises.
So this week, we've been opening our new doors to find all kinds of stuff around here.
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
Psalm 34:8
Like a frog in the watering can by the back door. And the early morning bearer of the frog who comes early on mornings and gives my pajama-clad boys rides on his big tractor.

And these flowers that are sitting pretty, waiting patiently to be planted in some patch of earth. Or the rain boots that steal my heart when William pulls them on and they cover his legs up to his knees.

And this crazy Robin. He lived on that little line just outside our office window for a week. And for a week he flew into the window and pecked the screen. It wasn't just some little flying and pecking. It was big crashing thuds. The first morning I woke to the sound I was certain I'd find a large animal standing in the office. And at first I felt so sorry for him. Poor bird, I thought, he thinks his reflection is another bird. While Patrick threatened, I defended him, the poor, crazy feathered friend. By the end of the week even I was threatening to march outside and tear him down off that line.

And this.
My sweet Henry, he started t-ball. He's on a team in Farmer City, the McKinley Water team. That's their name. Not the redbirds, or jayhawks, or something else sort of familiar and friendly for children. But no matter, he loves his team. He's number 6, which incidentally is his favorite age, the age he aspires to be. The age at which point he imagines himself wielding all grown-up responsibilities including shooting a bb gun and driving a tractor. He plays at Weedman Park on the same t-ball field that Patrick and his brothers played on as little boys. I'd be lying if I told you I didn't find that completely charming.

It's summer and as such, we've been trying to drink it all in. To suck every last bit of sunshine out of the days and make the most of the weekends when Patrick is home. We rented a boat on Memorial Day weekend at the lake nearest us. The boat marina is only 15 minutes from our house and the lake is simply beautiful.

The boys went tubing for the first time. They loved it. They loved being on the boat, helping steer and honking the horn a bazillion times. They loved swimming in the lake and jumping off the boat into the water. And I love Patrick in this life jacket. It gives him some serious muscles.

Our swing set is done. Complete with climbing wall, twisty slide, picnic table and a look-out telescope. I'm pretty sure that I'm just about as excited about it as the boys are. I love climbing up in the little fort part with the boys and pretending to be pirates and giving big pushes on swings and reminding them to hang on tight for the fifteenth underdog in a row. I love staying outside until the light grows dim and alternating swinging with breaks for catching lightning bugs in a glass jar. There are so many of them out here they light up the night sky and lawn and make the corn all twinkly and glowy at night. It's magical. And when we're out there at night I just feel that summer excitement swelling deep in my soul, that feeling that brings me back to my childhood when I'd stay out late sucking every last drop of sunshine from the day. And that feeling of anticipation when I'd wake up the next morning. Excited for what the new day would hold.

A garden is a beautiful thing.

The first time Patrick pulled a carrot from the ground and brought it home to me I literally felt astonished. I know that vegetables grow from the earth, but a lifetime of buying produce at wal-mart has started to dull my mind into thinking that maybe stuff does just come from the grocery store. It's amazing and beautiful to me to see all of these things, real foods, growing from the earth. Things that started as just seeds. Can you tell this is my first ever garden? I've seen yours, but this is a whole new experience for me. The carrots I cannot rinse with the hose fast enough for William to eat. He has taken more than one bite of carrot intermingled with dirt and mud.

And my sweet oldest? The child who is afraid of things green and leafy? This sweet child will pick and pull peas off the vine and eat them whole, standing with his feet planted in the dirt and his hands buried in the vines, he cannot get enough. And they are delicious. I love that Henry, too, feels the same sense of wonder about things growing from our earth.

Dinners have been looking a lot like this most nights. Burgers off the grill topped with lettuce and onions from the garden with a side of sugar snap peas from the garden too and some fries. All eaten outside in between swings and pushes at the little picnic table tucked inside the playset.
God really is so good. There is so much to taste and see.
Christina, I love your posts! I can almost see all of you swinging high on the swings and playing in the little fort! I love that you eat outside with the boys! I remember "having picnics" in my backyard as a kid. What fun!
I so enjoyed the way you described what you find outside your door! How exciting to find a frog! Looks like you had a wonderful time at the lake. Love the picture of the boys and Patrick! I'm sorry that you miss your home on Leland, but I see how God is working in your life and it touches me. I pray this house will feel more like home soon. You are a sweet, loving, fun mommy! Thanks for a little glimpse into your life! Love, Aunt Ruth
PS The food pictures look so yummy! Makes me hungry! I'm afraid I would be right next to Henry eating those delicious peas right from the vine! :0)
I love these updates, too! Henry in that little T-ball uniform is just too sweet. (BTW, Gabe's favorite age is 7. He'll say things like, "when I'm 7, can I....?")
And I'm jealous of that garden, seriously! We've been harvesting our peas, too....so delish and sweet. I can't believe those carrots already!
Thanks again for your honesty, perspective and positive attitude.
We love you and can't wait to see you guys!
I enjoy your posts so much! I am always so excited when I see you have posted something new!
My mom and dad have a cardinal that does the same thing as the robin! It flies into the bay window on the back of their house and pecks incessantly at the brass kickplate on their front door. (It can see its reflection in it.) I wonder what they are thinking??
I'm glad you are enjoying your summer!
I am in tears reading your most recent post. I know you have been struggling and my heart hurts for you. Typically change is not an easy thing - but, there can be and usually are wonderful blessings with change nonetheless - just as you're discovering. What remarkable ways God is revealing His glory to you! Even though you surrendered a home that meant so much to you, God is giving you new joys and experiences you would never have had on Leland Street. I realize these new experiences don't fully preclude your longing or sadness, but in time you will see His purpose and His peace will flood your heart. Keep writing, journal privately, keep track of all the honest, raw and valuable feelings you are having; I predict one day you will publish a book to inspire others. You are blessed in the way you deliver your heart. Thank you for being so transparent. I love you. Mom
Life is an adjustment... change is hard, but good! Your house is BEAUTIFUL and I'm in love with it. Henry looks so grown up in his baseball uniform. It makes me feel old and want kids! :)
Just know that there's always someone who'd love to be in your shoes! Have a great weekend!
Love, R
I love this post too, and I agree with your mom that your talent in writing is a gift to all of us that read. Thank you for sharing your heart and reminding me that God's ways are good. And, I can't say enough about all of these pictures and new experiences! Henry in his baseball uniform is precious beyond words and to think that Patrick played on that same field...That is charming and perfectly sentimental. I love it! I can't wait to visit your new home and to taste fresh vegetables from the ground!!! Amazing!
Your front door opens up to a new world of adventure, and I admire the way you embrace it all. Change is really hard, but you're handling it with honesty and grace and beauty.
Can't wait to be there next week!
Love you!
I love your posts with big pictures. We'd also love to come visit sometime! but, I must ask: How do you wrap nuggets of joy in tiny moments? :P
Sally, that's funny you should ask; I was just thinking that when you come visit I will show you...
:-) hahaha :-)
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