You are five years old and when you awake the celebration will begin. You've been waiting and counting down and now your day is here.
There will be cake and streamers. Garlands are already hung. There will be gifts and a scavenger hunt to find the biggest one that's hidden in the closet.
There will be chocolate-chip pancakes in the morning and change being dug out of mason jars to exchange for a giant cookie at Grove Street Bakery later this afternoon.
This will be a full day; you'll choose the special things you want to do and places you want to go because today is for you.
It's July 22, 2010 and today you are five years old.
It's hard to believe five years separates us from that first moment when you were placed in my arms. From that moment I heard your first cry and hot, happy tears rolled down my cheeks. From the moment I realized I was a mama and you were my babe. From the moments we shared alone in the middle of the night, alternating feeding you with dozing in and out of sleep.
You love your cousin Gabe. You wish he lived closer because you would like to play together every day. You love the same things like Star Wars and superheroes and saying silly kinds of stuff that only you two say when you're together.
You love to help. You love to do somersaults across the living room floor. You are funny and you have a fun sense of humor. You get jokes and it is so much fun to be silly with you. You are kind. You show empathy to other people.Tonight you told me that even when you're a grown up you'll still stay with me. You sweet boy. You will not do that, you will always be welcome to, but trust me, you won't want to.
Tonight I read to you as is our tradition on your birthday eve. I like to tuck you in and cuddle with you and have the last moments with you before you are another year older. Tonight I lingered. I combed my fingers through your hair and I thought over these past five years. These years so filled with the joy of all that is you. Warm tears again welled up in my eyes. It's hard to believe that days that can seem so long on their own at times, have all piled up into weeks and months and years and formed into five years. I stayed until you drifted off to sleep and wished you the sweetest of dreams. Last night you were my four year old boy and you will wake this morning a five year old child.
Happy Birthday sweet boy. I love you Henry.
Whew...that was a tearjerker.
Happy birthday, sweet Henry! We hope you enjoy your special, special day. We love you so much and can't wait to see you at your party this weekend!
And you cousin Gabe wants me to say, "Happy birthday, _______!" (you can fill in that blank with that favorite silly work you two like to say! :-)
Ooops...meant favorite silly "word."
Happy Birthday HENRY!! I enjoyed how talkative you were on the phone this morning! I guess birthdays really ARE a special day, aren't they Henry? :) Have a happy day, love. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and celebrating your birthday this weekend. I love you special boy and the wonder of who you are. Love, Oma
What a great tribute! I need to learn to check these while not at work so people aren't walking past watching me be teary eyed:) I hope he has a very special day and a wonderful year!!
Happy Birthday, sweet Henry!
You are such a special boy and a piece of sunshine to all of us!
We love you, Henry, and wish we could be there to celebrate with you!
Christina, I am crying, of course. I can't believe he's five years old. Today. I love how special you make your boys' birthdays, and I know they feel so loved and cherished by you and Patrick. I can't wait to hear all about today!
Love you,
What a sweet blog! Happy Birthday Henry! Love, Aunt Ruth
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