In August the fair comes to McLean County. It comes in droves; in flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, in semi's full of disassembled carnival rides and big trailers promising the world's best funnel cake. It comes as a bright and noisy reminder that the days of summer are still alive and well.
And so the first week of August, when the fair rolled into town in all its glory, we went. The boys were captivated by it.
The barrage of sights and smells; the deep fried goodness of funnel cake wafting through the night air and the shrieks of children on the rides. The thundering engines and thick gray exhaust smoke rising from behind the gates at the tractor pull. The bleating of the sheep as they are sheared and prepared for their big show the next morning.
We got there after dinner, just as the heat of the afternoon gave way to the cool of the evening. And we stayed,
And somewhere in between the sheared sheep huddled in their stalls and the irritable carni crew, I found myself thinking that if I could freeze this night and these moments, that life couldn't get much better than this.
Than these two boys, happy wearing a cheesy plastic fair wristband and holding their mama's hand.
And staying out late because it's a lovely night and the air doesn't feel thick and sticky, but lighter and cool.
And watching my very little take his first daring ride on the Dragon Wagon and cracking up as it whizzes by us again and he is but a blond blur.
And squeezing Patrick's hand because our boys are way up there in car number 2 and I want to make sure he thinks they're going to be ok.
And hearing the laughs of these two sweet ones as they speed past us on this ride for the sixth time in a row.
We ended this perfect summer night with potty breaks and milkshakes at Steak-n-Shake. Sipping that chocolate shake and watching my boys drift off to sleep in the van on the way home, I had the same feeling of contentedness. There will be much more to our lives than the old county fair, but I'm grateful for the way something so silly and simple reminds me that it's simple things that truly make my life with my family grand and beautiful.
What a GREAT post! The pictures are priceless. You have become quite the photographer, Christina! It sounds like your family had the most perfect time at the fair. And I'm glad to hear the carnies didn't get any of you. LOL Thanks for sharing such a special time. Love you. Mom
I love fairs!!!! I rode that little dragon roller coaster at Festa - it is much scarier than what it appears!!
What a little piece of heaven on earth!
That night seems priceless. I love all of these pictures of you and your family, and how you described the fair makes me want a funnel cake. right. now. The boys look like they are having the best time, and I love how they rode the rides together. I wish we could freeze time too. They are precious.
Love you!
Great pictures. We used to go to the Boone County fair and it was a lot of fun. Cory's favorite part? Looking at the chickens. Go figure. Looks like so much fun.
love ya,
I love this - quintessential summerness! (sp?) I think you will cherish these pics and your memory of this night for a long time. Thanks for sharing thme with us!
Love you,
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