My sweet Henry has a fever and stayed home today from school. I felt sad for him that he missed his Valentine's party at school and it's always so sad when their hot little bodies lay around in a fevered lethargy. But on the bright side, I got to spend the whole day with he and William and we ate a special little pancake breakfast together {once the morning dose of Motrin kicked in}.
I had more to share along the lines of Valentine's Day and things I love, but I'm tired tonight and almost threw in the towel on this post completely. So I will leave you in suspense until tomorrow. Happy Valentine's Day!
{As I am typing this, a fly just buzzed over here, hit the lamp and crash landed on the desk. Dead. Gross.}
Happy Valentine's Day (one day late)!
That pancake looks delicious!
I'm so sorry to hear that Henry has a fever. Poor guy! It is hard when they're sick. I've been thinking of Gabe and Henry all weekend.
I'm glad the motrin kicked in so he could enjoy that yummy looking pancake.
Love you guys!
Love that powdered sugar sweet.
I'm so sorry Henry is sick (and sorry that we shared our germs). I hope he's feeling better.
Happy belated Valentine's Day...we enjoyed spending the weekend with you (until it was abruptly cut short by illnesses!). :-)
Love you,
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