but a great pair of shoes might. Yes?
Alright, not everything.
I wish they would pack my boxes and organize the boy's toys and run loads of stuff to the Goodwill. Well, no they won't do that either. But they sure lift my mood drenched in the morning sun. I bought them last night with Rachel who is all tan and freshly home from honeymooning in Mexico.
We are moving in less than two weeks, people. I'm excited and ready but no where near ready ready. Like the packed box and organized garage kind of ready. I'm more the I-can't-wait-to-have-my-pizza-delivered-to-my-door and see-people-when-I-look-outside kind of ready.
The country has been good to us. It has been very good to my boys. They have watched farmers plant their corn in the spring and then watched as they reaped their bountiful harvest in the fall. They have learned here. Learned to ride bikes, to make new friends, learned to go off the diving board, to play on a team, learned to plant seeds and pick ripe vegetables from the garden, learned about birds and nests and eggs and even learned how to love a dog and feed her Milk Bones for doing tricks.
Living out here has taught me too. I've learned to love and appreciate the peace and the wide open spaces. I've also learned that I need community and I like to see people and life. I have missed that so much. I want to write a long, reflective post. And I will, when there's more time, probably once we move. I will never regret living here and will view it as another chapter in our lives that has helped to teach and mold us. In less than two weeks we will load our things into the {familiar} U-Haul and leave this sweet little ramshackle of a town. We'll start the next chapter and I am so very ready.
I am so excited for you and your big move!!! I am slightly jealous that you and Rach hung out and went shopping without me, but I know it was for good reason! :) Very cute shoes! Hot mama!!! You got a shorty at home? NO one will know when you wear those shoes! lol! Love you and can't wait to see you and Rachel soon! And Happy Birthday Henry!!! BIG BOY!!! 6 YEARS! WOW! time flies :)
Let me know if you need help packing. I could come down for a day or so and help.
love ya,
Where are you moving to my dear?
We are moving back to Bloomington...today :) can't wait! I need to email you our new address, would love to get together, Bree!
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