
Friday, October 07, 2011

Over the summer

{This is another post I found in my drafts waiting to be published. Perfect for the Indian summer we are having now! But, oh how I long for these carefree summer days!}
We had two pool memberships last summer. Dual memberships, if you will.
We spent our summer days drenched in water and sun either at the Farmer City pool, or in Bloomington at the pool with friends.
My most favorite summer memories are those from our long afternoons spent at the local pool in Farmer City. Still anytime I hear "Party Rock Anthem" {Everyday I'm shuffling..., anyone?} or Adele crooning "Rolling in the Deep", I am transported right back to those warm days spent by the pool.
The pool surrounded by a chain-link fence, crowded full of junior high boys and girls and watched diligently over by high school lifeguards was really the epitome of small town living. And it was there, over the summer, that I really started to have an appreciation for our little town. I liked that everyone knew one another and that after our third or fourth visit, we didn't have to show our membership card anymore. They just knew us. They knew our boys would buy Laffy Taffy and that they would jump off the diving board in their floaties.
And the boys loved the slides and sprayers and excitement at the pool in Bloomington. We loved meeting friends there and having picnics in the lush green grass for lunch.
I'm thankful we had the chance to experience both.

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