
Friday, November 04, 2011


July - 2011 737
The pictures in this post will have nothing to do with this post because our computer has a virus and has been sent away for repairs. So I'm left with only pictures that are on my Flickr account. Possibly a good time to do some catching up? I think so.
But first, these thoughts from this week.
July - 2011 715
When Henry got to school this morning, they told us it was make up day for school pictures. I should have known this but it's been a hectic couple of weeks and I forgot. We missed the official picture day because we were on vacation in Florida {which by the way, I'd rather be there than at picture day any day}. So Henry's kindergarten year will be immortalized forever by his picture in a yellow long sleeved t-shirt with blue stripes and green swishy pants. Did I tell you he is dressing himself these days and I'm trying very hard to let go?
July - 2011 713
{Sweet friends over to play.}
I mentioned that our computer is out for repairs. I am hoping and praying that they are able to restore the hard drive and rescue our pictures. I have learned my lesson and promise to back up all of our picture files. Did you hear that Best Buy? I promise! I can't imagine how awful it would be to lose everything in a fire. The thought of losing every picture since 2005 makes me quite queasy.
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{Caleb at the sprinkler park. This is in August, the morning after Henry's pool party. I already miss those hot summer mornings!}
William really loves animals. I know I've told you that, but I am telling you, I have spent the entire morning pretending to be a mommy leopard and my knees hurt from crawling on the floor! We also ventured to Toys R Us where he spent a bit of birthday money on a saber toothed tiger and a killer whale which he keeps referring to as his "sea creature". 
July - 2011 739
I'm so glad it's Friday! I can't wait to pick up my big boy from school and spend the weekend doing things like staying in our pjs until noon and making pancakes and playing basketball on the driveway. 
July - 2011 734
Happy November! I'm not feeling overly ready for the holidays; I'm still stuck in a rut longing for summer and trying to deny that winter is coming. But I did hear someone say their motto this year is "wrapped and done by December 1", and I sort of like that. I know myself too well to think I will do it, but right now, on November 4, it feels possible and I think I might try. I would love to enjoy the month of December doing crafts with the boys and being cozy drinking cocoa. Plus I think I have my gift wrap color scheme all worked out, so I need some gifts to wrap to try it out! I think this year will be a mix of brown kraft paper, solid red paper and red/white gingham paper with a mix of ribbons. Dare I say no black and white this year? I'm not sure if I can really do it.
July - 2011 680
Happy Weekending!


Erica said...

I love these pictures from the archives of Flickr!
Oh, happy days of summer! I'm hoping your computer gets fixed and all pictures are saved--I completely understand the queasy feeling of losing them. The Geek Squad can work wonders so I'm sure they'll be all there. I like the idea of "wrapped and done by December 1"...maybe I'll take that challenge so I can enjoy the season.
Miss you all!
Love you!

jalison said...

Being at the water park was such a fun day! I can still feel the warm sun from that day and the water being splashed on us as we watched the boys run and play with each other. They are so precious together. Wish it could always be summer and that we could always be outdoors, with the boys, enjoying the sun, the water, the warmth, each other's company. Life is so short and we won't pass this way again. "Enjoy the now". That's my new motto. Live every moment, intentionally and with purpose.
My post about William under "Hello Four Year Old" mentioned his jammies and boots photo and I realize now it's in this post. Sorry about that. The comments are the same! :) Love, Mom