
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

kindergarten Christmas concert

The kindergarten and first grade classes at Henry's school had their Christmas program a few weeks ago. {Thanks to Farmer Grandpa for taking all of these concert pictures. He has a bigger, better flash than I!}
-December 15, 2011-
The auditorium was filled and warm. We sat shoulder to shoulder with our families and the families of other kindergartners parents. I had this present feeling, the kind where you are entirely present in and thankful for the moment.
As Henry sang his memorized songs about polar puppies and celebrating Kwanzaa, I had this flash where I felt like I was ten years older and watching this home video from this very night. He looked so small to me up on that bleacher stage erected in the elementary school cafeteria. He seemed so little, innocent and still so young.
Just a little boy on a big stage. And a boy facing his fears as he walked out first, leading his classmates and friends to their spots on stage. The last boy off the stage walking straight, with his eyes forward and a nervous smile stretching across his face, to the safety of his classroom without the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes and cameras and camcorders, too.
I am so proud of my boy. He never mentioned once that he would be the first one on stage, and even though he is much like me and I knew he was nervous, he did it.
December - 2011 143
We celebrated with an encore of cookies and cocoa at home. Farmer Grandpa and Grandma and Oma stayed to celebrate, too.
December - 2011 144
December - 2011 141
December - 2011 142
December - 2011 139
December - 2011 150
December - 2011 152

1 comment:

Sara said...

What a handsome {and brave} boy! You're right - in the grand scheme, they are still so little!

Looks like a fun and festive evening; please tell Henry we are proud of him!
