
Saturday, February 02, 2013

break my heart sweet

{This post was in my drafts from 6-9-09. Another sweet memory I am so thankful to have preserved. Albeit in the drafts folder!}

Yesterday Henry and William were riding their bikes. The scene was more like Henry riding his bike and William on the tricycle with me bent over in half pushing him along the sidewalk helping him get the hang on his feet going around and around and around on the pedals. After going half the block with William I was losing steam and Henry was already to the corner. I shouted to him to turn around and come back toward us since I knew the back breaking labor it would take to get William that far. Instead of riding back, Henry had jumped off his bike and with his body bent over. He was behind a bush so I couldn't see why exactly he was bending. Still focused on him riding back, I shouted again to ride back to us. Again, instead of riding back he started running to me. As he's running I'm shouting things like, "don't forget your bike" and "ride your bike to us", "go back and get your bike" and then, "if you leave your bike there someone might take it". He finally reached me, his hand in a fist. I'm still in mean mom mode thinking that he is simply not listening and upset by this when he uncurls his still small fingers and opens his hand to reveal four tiny white flower blossoms he bent to pick for me. His body was bent to pick flowers for me.

break my heart sweet.

He was concerned with being thoughtful and generous and I was only worried that he was getting that silly bike. I almost cried. It was definitely a reminder, to truly enjoy the little things and to see, really see my surroundings and these very sweet children I am surrounded by.


Erica said...

Look at Henry's sweet baby face! I love that you posted this from your old drafts file. We've all been there before--where we're focusing on the logistics, and they're just being sweet. I love the reminder to enjoy each day and the little moments we have with them.

Sara said...

Love how little Henry looks in that picture! Crazy the difference a coule of years can make. What a sweet and precious memory.