
Monday, July 31, 2006

1-Year Immunizations

Henry had his 1-year immunizations today. I had to bring him back since he was sick last time and had a high fever. It was a really quick appointment since we didn't actually have to see the doctor, and he did fine, although he got really mad and then immediately cried when the nurse gave him his shots. There were 3 this time. Usually there have been 4-5, so I was thankful that there were less. It's getting harder and harder to watch him have shots now that his awareness about them is increasing.

The problem is that this afternoon after we got home and tonight he was pretty fussy, mostly around meal times. He was acting really hungry, but as soon as I put him in his highchair for lunch and then again for dinner, he started crying and throwing all of his food off of the tray. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this reaction with immunizations?? He didn't eat much, even of his favorites...grilled cheese and bananas (not together on a sandwich though!). He went down really easily tonight and also for his afternoon nap, so it seems like maybe those immunizations just knocked him out. Poor little thing. Hopefully he'll wake up refreshed in the a.m.

On another long time friend Katie who lives in NYC is in the hospital as I write this and will probably be having a baby sometime tonight! Her water broke around 12:00 (eastern) time this afternoon!! I'm SOOO excited...they don't know what they're having, so I'm excited to find out if it's a boy or girl and what he or she will look like!


Sara said...

Gabe was fine the afternoon of his shots, but got really cranky that evening like he was just in a lot of pain in the spots where he got the shots. I was out of Tylenol that day and since he seemed fine in the afternoon, I sort of forgot to go out and get some. We were at a dinner for the mentoring program that night and he was just beside himself and he and I had to leave to go get some Tylenol. It also didn't help that a lady there was telling me that immunizations are somehow linked to autism (a question we actually asked our doctor in the beginning and she said that study didn't have any credibility because the group was so small). Anyway, the lady was like, "you really should make sure you ask your doctor about that." It was just a really stressful evening. Sorry, this is getting very long, but one more quick thing is that I heard the side effects (tiredness and crankiness, etc.) can get progressively worse with each set of shots. The good news is he shouldn't have many more until kindergarten! Keep me posted on Katie!

Christina said...

That's interesting and definitely makes sense then if the crankiness gets worse with each set of shots. He never used to have any trouble, really. Yesterday he was more out of sorts than he's ever been with shots. He's been fine this morning..eating and playing...although he was really tired for his nap a little bit earlier than usual and fell asleep really fast. I know there's more shots at 15 mo, and then a Hep A, I believe, at 18 mo. Then we're done until kindergarten..yay..4 years of freedom!