Henry's got farm in his blood. He is midwestern through and through. He likes corn, but he LOVES corn on the cob! Patrick's mom and dad sent some home with us from their garden and he loves to eat it right off the cob. For lunch today he had 1 1/2 ears. And we have to watch him to make sure he's rotating the ear, otherwise he'll start chewing and eating the cob. Yikes! These pics are from lunch today...
cutie, Cutie, CUTIE!!! Love these pics.
Oh my gosh, that is so cute! Nathan ate a whole cob of corn too- and it seems Henry does the same thing (at least in those pictures) as Nathan - chews on the end of the cob. Nathan isn't sure how to hold it to actually get corn by himself yet.
So cute....he's looking blonder to me. Must be all the sun! We miss you guys and hope to see you soon!
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