
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Some Personal Goals

Fall is coming (despite my resistance), and with the start of school I'm feeling like starting some things fresh, too.

I've been brainstorming about some goals that I have for myself, mostly to live intentionally and not let days, weeks and months just pass by. With Henry months fly by since we are counting that way (sidenote:he's 13 months today!). Also since I'm at home for most of my week I want to have direction for each day and not just get through it and then think, what on earth did I get done today. Granted, there will still be days like that. This probably seems really dorky, but I'm a big list-maker and I will get more done and feel like I've accomplished more if I have goals that I can measure.

Here's what I've come up with so far:
1. Daily quiet times
2. Keep a prayer journal. God is doing so much and answering so many prayers, it will not only help me remember who/what to pray for, but also help me to see how God is working in my life and the lives around me.
3. Weekly meal planning/weekly grocery shopping. We always grocery shop for the month and then half-way through we are running out of things and when I'm making dinner I'm always missing a critical ingredient or two...then I have to run to Jewel and it ends up adding up through the month. I'm thinking I'll plan the menu for the week and then grocery shop for the week...I also can get more fresh produce that way that we can eat througout the week.
4. Cleaning/laundry schedule. This will help me to remember to clean every room of the house every week and keep things better picked up.
5. Activities with Henry. I know, I know, he's still little, but I want to make sure we're getting out and about and doing things in the community throughout the week. Even just going to different parks and letting him play.

I'll add more if I think of any others! Mostly I'm just excited about the weekly meal planning and shopping for weekly needs. I think this is going to help me get so organized, save money, and get excited about cooking dinners again. Has anyone tried this?


Sara said...

I have tried it in the past, but have never been really disciplined about it. I saw this service on the Real Simple PBS show (Saturdays at 3:30 - again, I love Real Simple!) called the Six O'clock Scramble ( You subscribe for six months to a year and they send you weekly menus WITH grocery lists and all the meals are super quick to make. I'm really tempted to try - maybe we could split and just forward the emails to each other - is that cheating?

Sara said...

One more thing, there was also that little Real Simple booklet that had a weeks worth of menus and recipes that started with two whole chickens on Sunday and then you use leftovers from each day for the next day's meals. I think they still do a 3-day version of that every month. Is anyone sick of us talking about Real Simple yet?

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the 6 month menu thing! I would totally go in on it with both of you...if you decide to do it. I don't think the whole chicken thing would work for, because I hate having to deal with the bones and two, because I don't think it would last in our house for the whole week! Plus, wouldn't you get sick of chicken?? :)