
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On the farm

The weekend before last was our first real dose of Spring weather. We went to Patrick's parents farm so that Patrick could help his dad with a few things and to give Henry a chance to play and ride on some tractors. Tractors are his favorite thing in the world, but he was really hesitant to ride on one. When he finally decided to go for a ride he shook his head and said "no" the whole time! And he would only ride on the smallest tractor and the forklift tractor. The pictures of Patrick in the tree are to illustrate how they get things done out on the farm. Patrick's dad drives the tractor over to the base of the tree, Patrick rides up into the tree on the forklift and then stands either in the tree or on the forklift and trims falling branches. It seemed unsafe to me, but I'm sure it's been done many times!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I agree - seems very unsafe but you go Patrick! :) Miss you and love you!