Today Henry was sitting on my lap patiently waiting for me to type in (!) and I said ok are you ready? I was so surprised when he repeated me and said ready, (then continued)set, GO! I'm sure I've said that a million times to him throughout these 22 months and it was so funny to hear him repeat it. What amazes me are the things that I have no idea that he's learning or that he knows and I don't realize it until he blurts something out.
Something new I discovered that I absolutely love is hair de-tangler spray for Henry. I spray it on his damp hair after his bath and then comb his hair and he always wakes up with this beautiful, tangle-free, silky hair! It might be more of a girly product (?), but he has always gotten tangles in his hair on the back of his head from where he rests his head in the car seat or how he sleeps at night. This product has been perfect for eliminating those! I just bought the Target version of the Johnson&Johnson brand and it's a big bottle for only 99 cents! I love it. (confession: I actually was so excited about it after the first morning of Henry's silky hair that I've been using it after my shower when I straighten my hair!)
detangler is a must for children's hair!! it's not too much of a girly product, hey he still likes john deere, that makes him such a boy!!
So you put it in after the bath and then the next day it is silky? That is great - James doesn't have enough hair yet to comb, but I already notice that the hair on the back of his head is rougher (due to sleeping and such I think) than the top. I know this could also be that the texture of his hair may be different on different parts of his head - an unfortunate occurance in mixed kids I think? - but I can't tell yet...
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