William is one month old today. In some ways these 4 weeks have just flown by and in others it feels like there's no way it could have just been 4 weeks. I'm definitely getting to the point where it's hard to imagine our life before William was here. I feel like we've been doing this now for longer than just one month!
Little William is doing well. I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture above, but he's really starting to fill out. He's getting a little bit of a double chin and his little thighs are starting to get a little more plump. Just in the past couple of days I can look at him and tell that he's getting bigger. He's not looking so much like a newborn to me anymore.
And just when I thought our nights were going really well, he's decided to mix things up a little bit. This week his stretches haven't been so consistently long through the night. He's had a few just two hour stretches and mostly he's been eating every 3 hours through the night. There have also been a few days that during the day he's been wanting to eat more like every 2 hours than every 3, so I'm wondering if he's having a little bit of a growth spurt.
I'm adjusting to life with two boys. The Snugli (front-pack carrier) has become a well-worn staple. I've been wearing it around the house when I need my hands free. When Henry is napping and William's not, I use it a lot so that I can make dinner or just have my hands free to check email or blog. It's been really handy this time around.
I'm getting braver with the boys! I took them to the zoo on a nice day earlier this week and we went to the park on another nice day. Friday we went to the children's museum. Henry has loved getting out and William has slept right through the outings. So it's been pretty easy, besides the getting in and out of the car and having to juggle all of the extra baggage...the stroller, carrier, diaper bag, etc. I've been taking Sara's advice and putting Henry in the car first and taking him out last, and that's been working really well. He's also been really obedient and good about holding my hand when we're walking somewhere together.
It's funny because I have felt pretty rested and energetic during the days and then a few days ago it was like, wham, it just hit me all of a sudden that I am exhausted! I've been a lot more tired and taking more time to just rest when Henry's napping and have been falling asleep by 8:30 0r 9:00 every night. The nights have been a little tougher too, it's been really tough to drag myself out of bed. I'm just trying to keep this in perspective though. I know these early days (though long) go fast and things will get back to a more normal schedule soon.
I can definitely tell he's filling out. I love it when they get the chubby little thighs - my favorite. He's such a doll; sounds like you're doing well and being adventurous! I haven't worn the Bjorn around the house, but I definitely love it when we're out. Caleb likes it, too, and he stays more entertained that way because he likes to face out and look around. Hopefully the sleeping situation will improve soon. I'm sure it's just a growth spurt. Caleb regressed for a while, too, but eventually got back on track. Miss you guys and hope to see you soon!
Love you,
Sounds like things are going well with the two boys...I always admired people who had two or more small babies...it was hard with one...but it sounds like you are doing great and he is so cute...kiss him for me...
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