Henry was a duck this year for Halloween, although it was a totally last minute thing and ended up being almost a complete disaster! I bought a lobster costume (thanks Holly!) for him early in September; however, he always refused to try it on. So finally the week before Halloween, I had Patrick take it back to the store because I didn't want to spend the money on it and have him refuse to wear it on Halloween. So then on Halloween morning Patrick ran to Jewel to buy some Halloween candy for trick-or-treaters and found this duck costume there for Henry for $6. He bought a 4T, however, it's a one-piece and if you look at the first pictures, you can tell that he was absolutely busting out of it. He could barely walk and when he did he walked like Frankenstein because it was so tight! But we couldn't laugh at him because it was almost impossible to get the costume on him...we bribed him with our candy. So then Patrick had Henry lay on the floor and cut holes in the feet of the costume (with Henry in it) so his feet could stick out. Then it ended up being like a capri-pants duck costume. Too funny. Next year we will have to do something really great to make up for it.
Anyway, then we went trick-or-treating to a few neighbors houses on our street. My dad was here helping us that week so he came along with us, which was fun. Henry was totally confused at why we were going to go to people's houses and ring their doorbells and get candy. At the first house he wouldn't even reach into the bowl to take out the candy, but once we got to the second house, he dove right in and grabbed one. It's amazing how quickly he caught on...with candy involved. Then we came home and handed out candy to other trick-or-treaters. Every time someone rang the doorbell, Henry ran to the door and brought candy back to me. :-) William came with us on our walk, but he snoozed right through his first Halloween!
I think Henry looked darling! Olivia saw his picture and said "ducka-ducka". William looked so content in those pictures!
Your dad told us about the costume situation and we were cracking up! He looks so cute, though. Too funny.
Ok, this post made me CRACK UP OUT LOUD!!! A LOT!!! Oh how cute is that!?! First, I thought Henry was a giraffe- next I thought to myself, "How in the world did she get him into that giraffe costume when he would not touch the lobster costume with a 10 foot pole!" Then, the bribing w/ candy and cutting the feet holes- still laughing- but the part that takes the cake is when you said it was a capri pant duck costume! Oh I was dying. I love this post, and your adorable adorable little duck!
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