Pardon the corny title. Sometimes I get a little bored with the same ole, same ole titles but obviously can't think of anything much more creative. :-)
William was 4 months on Tuesday. Today was his check up. Everything went well. I even recruited Henry to be the "song singer" during W's shots. When they started and William started to get a little sad, Henry started singing "twinkle, twinkle little star". It was very sweet. I always sing to him during his shots (and did for Henry too), but usually I feel a little funny because I feel like I'm singing directly into the nurse's ear since I'm also hovering over the baby. In a funny way it helped me to not feel quite so silly having Henry singing along with me. It's definitely a little tougher taking two to the doctor. I feel like I have to give Henry jobs and really talk up the appointment so that he'll be on board to come with us. He does really well. And he really gets excited to see his doctor, I think because he knows that it's not his turn. He also loves standing on the scale in between the nurse leaving the room and the doctor coming in, so I get an unofficial weight for him on these off visits!
Williams stats at 4 months are:
Height: 25", 50% (Vance?)
Weight: 16 lbs 7 oz, 75%
Head: 16 3/4", 50%
Just for curiosity sake I checked Henry's stats at 4 months. He was 25 1/4 " and 15 lbs 9 oz
Interestingly, about the same difference in weight at 4 months as when they were born. Ok, let the comparisons stop there. I was just curious and it is always fun to look back and see.
William comfortably wears 3-6 month clothes, but I've also pulled out a lot of Henry's 6-9 month winterish stuff and he can wear most of that, too. He's a big boy! Just in the past few days I've really noticed Henry interacting with him a lot more. I'm not sure if Henry's starting to take a liking to him as a "playmate" or if he's just lonely and will play with anyone! Obviously there's not much William can do with him just yet, but Henry loves to get his attention and have him watch whatever he's doing. He loves to make him smile and he loves for me to set him down when he wants my attention!
Did anyone notice that I wrote that entire post without ever mentioning how fast these 4 months have gone? I still had to sneak it in...
Henry is such a great big brother! I can't wait to see them both again. And...William IS growing up so fast. :-)
That's so sweet that you sing to them. :-) I'm so sorry we had to canel last weekend, but hopefully we'll see you this weekend!
Love you guys,
one more thing...
I just realized that William is almost a month older now than Caleb was when he was does go fast!
It does go warp speed fast with your second. Don't worry about the comparisons of measurements I do the same with my girls. Ainsley seems to always be about 2 mos. behind Kaylee, but she is starting to catch up! At her 9 mos. she was 281/2 inches and Kaylee was 291/2 at 9 mos. and they are about 2 lbs. different. I think A was 17.5 and K was 19 something. It is fun to see! So you aren't the only one. Kaylee also seems to enjoy the Dr. when it's A's turn and not hers. Too funny!
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