
Saturday, March 15, 2008


My blog got a major makeover this weekend! Have you ever linked to a blog from another blog and so on? I happend upon Hilary's darling blog this way and read a post of hers offering to design new blog layouts for fellow bloggers. She's a student who shares her creative gifts of design with blogging strangers out of the goodness of her heart. I think she's a doll and I'm thrilled with my new look! What do you think?


Sara said...

Oh my! Soooooo cute. I love those pictures of the boys!

Love you guys,


Anonymous said...

I love it! The pictures of the boys are adorable. I think photography should be one of your hobbies! I want you to take pictures of Ben. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness it looks like a professional scrapbook page! Nice!

Christina said...

Thanks everybody!! Erica, you are very generous....I don't think I take the best pictures at all. Here's my secret...take hundreds (!) and then just crop the best ones and make them black and white. Presto, b&w makes any picture better!