William has discovered his feet. All at once he went from not realizing they were there rooted at the bottom of his being, to firmly grabbing hold of them with his chubby little baby hands and trying with all of his might to stick them into his mouth. He loves those little feet now. And I don't mind that he's so crazy about them; if he gets a little fussy or bored, I simply pull off his socks and he's entertained. And I'm a huge fan too - there's nothing sweeter to me than baby hands and feet. I love the tiny toes and chubby, dimpled hands.

The other thing William is absolutely crazy about now is the remote. I've showed it to him before when we've been sitting on the couch thinking that maybe the buttons might be entertaining for him to look at. Now whenever he sees it he gets really anxious - arching his back and if I'm holding him he tries to push his legs up and stand and he makes facial lunges towards it until I hold it in front of him. He will then try to grab hold of it and put all of those tasty buttons in his mouth. Just today I discovered this fascination. He's definitely a baby that really loves putting things in his mouth. It's going to get tricky when he's mobile, especially with all of the little toys and toy parts that Henry has. Henry wasn't a real chewing on things kind of a baby, so this will be new to me.
I had to laugh at this blog for two reasons 1. Ainsley loves her feet to and has since she discovered them. I don't remember Kaylee being so into her feet, but when Ainsley gets fussy I do the same with her, usually at night right before bath take her socks off and she's in heaven. 2. She also loves the remote and gets mad if she can see it but not reach it...now she's all over so getting to it is easier unless it's to far back on the table and she can't get to it over the edge. So funny...the simmilarities.
These pictures look great. I have been trying and trying to get "photographer-like" pictures of Ben's feet, and I can't do it. I really love seeing these precious pictures of William's feet.
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