Here's a few notes about William at 8 months:
He still has only his 2 bottom middle teeth. The top two are really close. In the meantime, he loves chewing on his fingers, his toys, anything within his reach.
He does this cute face where he lays his head down and looks sweetly at you.. It's very sweet, especially when he does it when someone is holding him and he snuggles right up.
He continues to love his feet. He likes to grab them and tries to figure out how they will reach into his mouth.
He doesn't mind being on his tummy anymore. He has been rolling over for a few months, but he just started rolling to get himself to things. He rolls all over now when he's on the floor and is able to get to anything.
William with Holly. These two brothers are getting to be better friends everyday. (With the exception of Henry not permitting William to touch, reach for, or grab any of his toys, books, etc.) Henry really loves William, but it's on his terms. He's not thrilled that William is starting to reach for and roll to things. Just this afternoon Henry initiated peek-a-boo with William; William cracked up. Henry's also really helpful at entertaining William in the van. If William starts to fuss I'll ask Henry to make him laugh and without fail it works every time. All it takes is a funny face and William giggles. He loves his big brother.
William with Grandma and Bapa Bug. (My dad and Sandi)
A few other notes:
- William loves plastic bags and anything paper. I now know why they must put the warning on the plastic bag "this bag is not a toy". I'm convinced William would be satisfied with a stash of plastic bags as his only toys. Unfortunately for him not only are they not a toy, but paper and plastic aren't good ideas for a boy who puts everything in his mouth.
- He loves balls and seems to really prefer them to things with wheels.
- He likes cold baby food, I think it feels good on his gums.
- Just today he started waving. I really thought it was a fluke, but as I kept waving to him and saying, "can you wave to mama?", he kept doing it. We were outside and I asked him to do it about a million times and got equally excited every time until I realized how annoying I might be to the neighbors-then we brought the new trick inside.
- He blows raspberries and has an excited/happy shriek.
- He loves swinging in the baby swings at the park.
- Patrick discovered that William belly laughs when you put something on your head and make it fall off. We're talking huge belly laughs. It's contagious and before we know it we're all knocking things off our heads.
- He likes animals. He gets really excited when he sees a cat or dog and reaches eagerly to grab its fur. When my Dad, Sandi and Cory visited and we went to the zoo my dad brought him into the petting zoo and he was grabbing the goats fur and shaking with excitement.
- He loves "touch-and-feel" books. His favorites are: "My First Touch-And-Feel Farm" and "Puppy Love". He reaches for the textured parts and pats them with his hand or scratches them with his fingers.
- He really likes bubbles. He watches them in amazement.
We're so blessed to have this precious boy in our lives. Having Henry as the barometer to measure how much joy is to come, I love watching William grow knowing how much we have to look forward to.