Henry is becoming very independent as he nears his third birthday. One of Sara's friends told her that the "terrible two's" are a myth and that the "terrible three's" are more accurate. I'm definitely starting to wonder. We made it through the twos with some defiance, but nothing more than I would expect from a two-year old. Henry is a spirited boy who has always had his fair share of fiest and lately he has had an opinion about everything and wants to do everything all by himself. I love his personality and I know that as his parent it's my job to channel his independent spirit into doing positive things. He was upset a few nights ago (I can't even remember why) so I asked him if he could come help me feed William. He's always up for helping and was super excited when I asked him.

It was so funny watching him, he opened his mouth every time he gave William a bite. He would say after every bite, "is that good?" in the sweetest voice.

William is looking at me like "mom, are you seriously going to let him do this?"

Yes, I agree it's more like terrible three's. Nathan is also getting more and more defiant, not wanting to comply with so many tasks. I find it helps to give him choices instead of saying "do that." Such as, "Ok, time to get dressed, and you can pick which (of the two) shirts you want to wear on your bed." Or, "Ok, time to get out of the bath- do you want to empty the bath yourself or do you want mommy to do it"? or "Do you want to dry off your toy trains or should I do it?" stuff like that. It really helps. The biggest problem we have, though, is getting him to get into his carseat willingly- he wants to sit in the front driver's seat, or wants to sit in his seat without being buckled and with the door closed- and no amount of explanation will convince him of the necessity of my opening the door in order to buckle him. Sheesh. Makes me want to stay at home sometimes.
But, then we have the sweetest moments like you have there with Henry feeding William-that is just the sweetest thing ever!! I will try asking Nathan to help me more with Blake, maybe he'll stop "crashing" into Blake's head like he's a reckless car!!! (This is another constant battle that I have to get creative on in order to stop).
Henry is such a sweet and helpful boy. He was doing a great job of feeding William. I loved when he decided to pour a little off the spoon because he thought it would be too big of a bite. I'm glad I'm learning what to do when Ben gets older. I love how you give Henry choices to help you. You're a wonderful mom!
I love this! Kaylee also likes to help Ainsley. When A seems to be upset in her chair K will ask her whats wrong and then offer her a drink or a bite of food. A loves it and usually laughs. I have to agree with the age thing. I think 2 yr. 8 mos-ish is when it starts and my guess is until 3 1/2 which is why I think people will say it seems to be more 3 than 2. Atleast that is what I'm hoping :)
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