The only thing I dislike about the peony is that the blooms don't last longer. I wish they would bloom all throughout the summer. Oh and that they attract ants. Otherwise, these are my favorite flower. I love that the blooms get so big and fragrant. These peonies are from the bushes in our yard. I have cut several stems from the bushes and filled every vase in our house! I hate to waste them.
That is so funny Christina. I just did the exact same thing this evening with our Peony bush in the backyard. I cut some, placed them in a vase and took pictures. Great minds think alike. I'll have to post mine soon.
Too funny!!
beautiful flowers...don't they just put ya in a good mood.....:)
The flowers are beautiful! I love having fresh flowers in the house.
Christina~ I too love these flowers. My mom got me 2 bushes last year for Mother's Day and I've been so enjoying them this year. We also found we have 2 that are in the very back of the yard, inter-mixed with the timber. Not sure how that works but it seems to. Just love them and also wish they would last longer!
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