Happy Third Birthday, Henry!
On Henry's third birthday:

Henry woke up to a streamer filled doorway.

We gave Henry a wood
tool bench and some tools. It was set up downstairs for him to see when he got up.

Birthday breakfast : a giant chocolate chip pancake with strawberries for hair, grapes for eyes and a blueberry smile.

After William's morning nap I took the boys to "Toddler Time" at a nearby pool. It was an overcast day and only in the high 70s, but both of them still loved it and had so much fun. It was our first time at this pool and I'm bummed that I'm just discovering it near the end of July. We will definitely go back and probably buy a season pass next summer. The children's pool area is comparable to Patrick's old employer's pool which I love.

After we finished swimming and changed into dry clothes we went to the park next to the pool and played.

For lunch we went to
McDonalds where Henry ate chicken nuggets and drank an apple juice box. William was exhausted from the pool and fell asleep in the van. He stayed asleep when I took him out of his
carseat, when we ordered lunch, and while we ate our lunch. He woke up when we went to the outside play area. Henry played while William ate his lunch outside.

Patrick came home from work early and was here when Henry woke up from his nap. Henry finished opening the presents from us : a fish lamp and a giant kick ball.

Then we headed to Olive Garden for an early dinner.
Henry, William and me waiting for our table.

The staff sang Happy Birthday to Henry and brought him a chocolate cake complete with a birthday candle. He was shy and hid his face during the song.

But that didn't stop him from from blowing out the candle and digging in! We all shared the cake. It was

After dinner we changed the boys into their swimsuits and went to a sprinkler park to play. It was a beautiful night and they both had lots of fun.

It was a great day although it's hard to believe that our little boy is officially three.
You and Patrick created such a special day for Henry. I love all of the details (the special plate, streamers in the doorway, the fruit pancake man!, Happy Meal lunch, swimming, going out to dinner, after dinner playing)!!! Wow!!!!!!! I know Henry feels how much you both love him.
I can't believe he's three. What a great birthday day!
Love you,
Wow!! What a fun filled day! I can't believe how much you did in just one little day. You are super parents!
I'd like to award you with the SUPER AWESOME FUN MOTHER OF THE YEAR AWARD!!!
Truly, you deserve it!
Henry and William are VERY blessed boys- blessed to have both you and Patrick as parents.
You are such a special little family! (In another few years I'll have to take out the "little" from that sentence! ;) )
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