William is officially a mover and a shaker. He started crawling last Wednesday, July 23. His moves are not the standard crawl-like ones. He scrunches one leg up under him and drags the other one. Definitely not standard, but it works and he gets around. Everywhere. Lucky for me, he still doesn't move too fast. I remember Henry going fast from the moment he learned how to move. He rolled himself fast, he speed crawled and then his first steps were running ones between Patrick and I.
He loves this new found independence and wants to be set down, not carried or held, everywhere we go. He also has been refusing to be put down in a sitting position. So our choices are to hold his hands and let him bounce or lay him flat on his tummy from which he will push up and crawl somewhere.
He is a good baby and remains very good natured and happy; however, with this mobility he's becoming a little bit mischievous. It's a quiet mischief though. He will be happily playing in the living room while I run to the kitchen and when I return he's on the rug by the french doors chewing on Henry's Crocs. Yes, he chewed on them. Gross. I have to find a new place for our shoes.

He also pulls himself up to things now. He is so proud of this accomplishment. The only problem is that he hasn't figured out how to get down from this standing position yet. If I'm not close by, he gets wobbly and tips sideways.

He follows toys and ends up underneath things. Here he is under his Jumperoo.

"How did I get under here?"

William at his favorite new hot spot. The shoe rug.
William crawling.
Who knew there were so many different ways to crawl?! Gabi's is more of an army crawl and on the hardwood she can move fast. She also is always going for our shoes! Before we know it they will be walking...
Yay for William! I can't believe he's already pulling himself up and standing! I love his crawl, and it gets him where he wants to go. Ben is starting to get very frustrated that he can't go where he wants to so William needs to teach him how to move :-)
Hope you had a great weekend!
Love you!
He is growing up so quickly. I'm really excited that he is crawling. What fun! We had a youth pastor years ago whose daughter also crawled with one leg kinda under her. A lot like William. It is interesting to see how each child solves the problem of how to get around. But why do they always like to chew on gross stuff? And then when they get bigger and you tell them they used eat gross stuff they ask you why you let them. Like parents really want them to eat sand, dirt, etc.
Love you guys, Sandi
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