I'm disappointed with myself that I didn't take too many pictures during our visit. I wish I would have captured more rooms of the house and also more of what we did together. The boys kept us on our toes. Oh well, check her blog, hopefully she will post more pictures of her new place soon. (hint, hint)
When we first arrived, the boys were happy to be out of the van. They took out their toys and played while Holly and I sneaked into the kitchen where she had me sample the treats she has been cooking up in her new kitchen. There were delicious Key-Lime bars, Chocolate-Chip-Coconut cookie bars, and Banana muffins with a crumble topping. Yum - this girl needs a bakery!
Sally, Holly's sister and forever the gracious hostess, invited us to their house for a delicious pizza dinner. Sally and her husband Tim have two little boys, also. Nathan turned 3 in June and Blake turned 1 last month (he and Henry have the same birthday!). Henry and Nathan had so much fun playing together. They loved running laps around the backyard and were entertained by Holly doing dozens of cartwheels across the yard.
Nathan and Henry hiding under a basket
William and Blake
Henry and Nathan at the kids table for dinner
We went back to Holly's house to get the boys ready for bed.
Henry and William in Holly's tub
The next morning we walked on a trail next to Holly's condo to a park. It was an awesome park, with lots of playground equipment I've never seen before. (Again, I regret not taking more pictures-we had lots of fun here.) Henry's favorite thing to do was the climbing wall. He scaled it several times and made it look easy!
Then we picked up Panera and brought lunch to Holly's mom, Delcine, and brother, Billy, at her parent's house. Henry absolutely loves Holly's brothers and had so much fun playing with "Uncle Billy". There is never a dull moment with Holly and Delcine, and as usual we had lots of fun and laughs. I even left with a new, hand-made pair of earrings by Delcine which I love. See some of her hand-made jewelry here.
It was such a fun visit, although time always flies when we're together and there's never enough of it. I'm so thrilled for Holly and absolutely love her new home! Congrats Holly!
I LOVE all of the updates! You guys had such a busy and fun week last week. Henry and William look so happy in all of these pictures. They're such great travelers!
Love you,
Christina and Holly, I wish I could be there.. It looks like so much fun! Holly when can we come up for a girls weekend??
Christina! It's Holly Howard! I love the blog. You have inspired me so much I even started my own. It's www.hollyryanajrylan.blogspot.com
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family and giving me a great idea to start a blog of my own. My family loves it as I am sure yours does as well. Let me know how you are!!!
You are so sweet to me! Thank you for making the trek up here to visit with the boys. I know it wasn't easy toting along the little ones, but I'm so glad you guys came. I apologize profusely for being the neat freak... I am already relaxing- I am finding that keeping a "perfect house" is unattainable... even w/out kids! Love this post and love you guys more! :)
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