William crawled right over to their guinea pig's cage. He was so excited that he shook and rocked the cage.
After dinner we walked to the playground at a school nearby. I used to play at the same playground with my brother and friends when we were kids. They have since installed brand new equipment, but it's still neat to be playing there now with my own children.
William and Henry in the wagon pulled by my dad.

Their first wagon ride. They loved riding; William shrieked with delight. By the end of the ride, both boys were wiggling the sides of the wagon and trying to stand up. 
Grandma and William

Reading bedtime stories.
My dad took the day off work on Thursday, so we were able to spend the day together. It was a warm day, but unfortunately not warm enough to swim in their backyard pool. Both boys got in but neither of them liked the cold water. Henry opted for playing in the sprinkler instead.
They share a special bond and are inseparable when we're together.
Even Bapa Bug ran through.
I love this picture; it's the epitome of being a child in the summer.
My dad and William
Henry helped Grandma dig carrots out of her garden.

Grandma and Henry with a fresh garden carrot.
William loved sitting in the front yard watching the guinea pig.
He finally got her!

We had a full day of fun; the perfect summer day for the boys. The day was topped off with dinner with my Grandma and Grandpa and Mimi at my Dad and Sandi's house. I cherish every chance I have to spend time with them and am so thankful that my Dad and Sandi arranged dinner plans with them. I really want my boys to grow up knowing their Great-Grandparents as well as their Grandparents. It was a great visit, we had so much fun and I'm thankful for all of the memories we made.
1 comment:
Your dad and Sandi look like naturals with the boys. You can just see the love in their eyes. What a wonderful garden Sandi has; it looks almost 'magical'; how fun that must be for the boys! These boys have such a blessed heritage with so many different grandparents. I hope they will be able to look back one day and realize how blessed they were. Love, Mom/Oma
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