The day started off as usual, although for an early November morning it was unusually warm and sunny. Henry went to preschool, so William accompanied me to our polling place. We walked since the place was a church in our neighborhood just a few blocks away. Besides crashing William and his stroller into the booth next to mine upon trying to exit, voting went well. And William proudly wore his first "I Voted" sticker for the remainder of the day.
That evening when William woke up from his nap I noticed that he was wheezing. Patrick came home early that night to leave enough time for him to vote and he also noticed the wheezing. Around 5:00 we decided that we should take William to the doctor to check his breathing. We keep a nebulizer at home since he has had recurring wheezing and he didn't seem to be responding to the treatments. I brought him to Prompt Care since our doctor's office was closed for the evening and expected to get a prescription and be home by 6:00 to watch the election coverage. (I have become an obsessed CNN junkie and wanted to watch the results of this election unfold.) However, the doctor at Prompt Care was worried about his breathing and sent us to the ER. Needless to say, it made me even more worried and I hated doing it alone. Patrick and I definitely work as a team and he is a certain rock of mine when it comes to dealing with stressful situations. I really wanted him there, but I was rushed around so fast that I didn't have a minute to call him. After doing some more paperwork and duplicating the same tests/checks on William in the ER that had already been done in Prompt Care, they put us in a little room. Laughably, the man who walked us there told me to put William in the bed - a regular hospital bed. When I asked him it he would fall out, he pulled up the other side and said, "he might try." Hmmm. I finally had the chance to call Patrick and he came as quickly as he could. His brother Matt graciously came and stayed with Henry at our house.
William had to have two chest x-rays and then did two breathing treatments and was given an oral steroid to help with his breathing. After they monitored him and his breathing returned to normal, they let us come home. It was about 9:00 and he was exhausted and asleep. They diagnosed it once again as bronchiolitis. Fortunately, his chest x-rays looked normal. Although by now, I'm thinking there must be more going on.
He is doing tons better and isn't wheezing at all today which is both a blessing and a relief.
And since I know what you are all thinking right now I'll go ahead and say it : I am shocked, too that William was in the ER before adventure-loving Henry. (!)
I'm so happy (and relieved) to hear that William is doing better and not wheezing. Poor little guy.
I'm still thinking and praying for both of them, and I hope Henry is feeling better today too.
Love you,
Wow - I can totally relate to this story as it sounds like ours when we had to take James to the ER for similar symptoms - except we had to spend the night there (well I did as there was NO BED - only a crib in the room - for a parent to sleep in the room with their sick child so I slept on a chair and Jean went home since there was no where else to sleep). But at least our room had a crib! I can't believe they thought William would just hang out in the bed. Glad to hear he is okay. I still am in awe that Henry has never been to the ER - James has already been there 3 times!
I'm so glad that William is feeling better. It is sad when your little ones get sick and there is nothing that you can do. When Cory had the chicken pox he just laid there for a couple days. TC was so sweet and laid there with him the entire time. But I was worried, especially when the skin started peeling off his hands, which, just for future reference, they say can be caused when children have high fevers and is no cause for worry. After that totally irrelevant comment, I'll say that I hope the boys are healthy now and that things are going more smoothly.
We love you,
Poor sweet William. It sounds like he had quite a rough go of it. Thank goodness he has such a wonderful mommy and daddy to get him through the tough times. His Birthday party looked like a blast. You and Holly should certainly go into business together!
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