William pointing to the balloon (left over from his birthday).
On Thursday morning the children at Henry's school had a Halloween parade. Each class made their own costume, so all of the children in the class were the same thing. Henry's class dressed up as clowns. Their costumes were adorable. I'm impressed with his teacher's ingenuity - it's amazing what they made with a paper bag and some construction paper. Erica and Ben came to visit us Wednesday night and I was thrilled that they could come with us to the parade on Thursday. Henry loved having them there, too! These pictures were taken by Erica - she took pictures so I could videotape for Patrick. Thank you Erica!
Henry in his clown costume
William and Ben watching the parade
They were pretty fascinated with all of the children parading by.

They were pretty fascinated with all of the children parading by.
On Halloween morning we had a special Halloween breakfast and then got ready for a Halloween party playdate at Henry's classmate's house. His friend John and his mom invited all of Henry's class over for a playdate. Henry had lots of fun - there were about 8 children there and he loved playing with them outside of school.
Halloween breakfast
Henry, William and Patrick

Who doesn't love to start the day with sugar? hahaha, I know it's terrible, but it was Halloween. Pumpkin shaped chocolate-chip pancakes with M&M faces, and banana slices topped with mini-marshmallows for Henry.
Just plain pumpkin shaped pancakes and some eggs for William.

And then it was time to trick-or-treat!
William the turtle sees himself in the mirror for the first time

We walked around our neighborhood to do some trick-or-treating. The weather was perfect and there were lots of other children and families out. We went to our neighbor's house first and even though we know them pretty well, Henry was too shy to knock on their door, say trick-or-treat or even accept candy from them. My poor neighbor literally chased him around trying to put the candy into his little basket. Ha! By the time we got to the second house, he was a pro and loved saying trick-or-treat. He collected lots of extra loot for "his baby brother". Everyone saw William and wanted to make sure he got some candy, too. Some people were flustered that he didn't have a treat bag of his own. Henry declared that he would go home "once his bag was full".
The shells. My favorite part. 

Happy Halloween!
The turtles are ADORABLE!!! I love seeing their shells walking up to the door. I'm glad the play date went so well too. It's nice that Henry and his classmates had a chance to play together outside of the classroom. That's one brave mom inviting the entire class!
It sounds like you had a great Halloween, and you started the day perfectly! You made the best Halloween breakfast! World's Best Mom, for sure!!!
I had so much fun visiting and want to plan another time to come soon!
Love you,
I love the Halloween pancakes. What a great idea. And the boys are adorable in their turtle costumes.
Love ya,
I love your Halloween pancakes, too! What fun for the boys! They were oh so cute in their turtle costumes!!
Love Ruth
The boys are sooo adorable...love that they were turtles!!! And Henry's school Clown Costume was so cute. That's so fun that they got to have a little parade!!!
I love the shells! So adorable. And how good are you with the pumpkin pancakes and cookies?! Looks like you guys had a fun day...I wish we could trick-or-treat together some year!
Love you,
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