
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Party in my crib

This is post #1 in my new blog series. It's 10:24 pm. which means I need to be quick because I need to be done by 10:34 pm. Ok, here we go.

Last week the side of William's crib fell off, literally the whole side fell off, just before his nap. I suppose he may be ready for a big boy bed complete with some pillows and a big cozy comforter, but naptime on Friday afternoon was not when I was planning to start making the transition.
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On Thursday night, Patrick and the boys were playing upstairs running back and forth between the rooms. At one point someone or something ran into the side of the crib knocking some kind of important plastic piece off. Important as in apparently responsible for holding the sliding side of the crib on. Patrick thought he fixed it. However, when I slid the crib down on Friday to lay William down for his nap, the side popped off. I was able to prop it back up and crossed my fingers that William wouldn't move in the slightest bit so as to touch one entire side of his crib. I wasn't so lucky and when he rolled into it, the edge popped out and he fell through. When I tried again to prop it up I pulled the entire side off.
I then proceeded to pretend that everything was normal, all the while the side of the crib was missing and William was looking at me with serious confusion and doubt in his eyes. When I said goodnight, tucked him in and left the room, the party began. Stuffed animals, books and toys were all invited. William was all over his room inviting everything to join him in his crib. In exasperation I called Patrick for ideas. (Remember, this was naptime and I wasn't ready for the big boy bed at 1:00 pm on Friday afternoon.) He suggested the pack-and-play. I'm jealous that I didn't come up with that brilliant plan on my own.
Again, William looked at me with serious doubt and confusion. Seriously mom, a pack-and-play right next to my crib? What about the party?
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But he slept. And when he woke up, he and Henry stayed in his room and had the party William had been planning.


Erica said...

I'm glad you're doing this. See? This post is perfect without editing :-) It's nice knowing what's going on in your lives on a weekly/daily basis. I'm going to start doing this too.

I can't believe the side of his crib fell off!!! Naptime is not the time to have to deal with those sorts of issues. The pack n play was a great idea (which I wouldn't have thought of either), and I love the party in the end. Did Patrick fix it or is William moving to a "big boy's bed"?

Love you!

Christina said...

William is still sleeping in his crib. Patrick fixed it that night. It's a permanent "fix" though, so the one side no longer raises and lowers. Oh well, at least he doesn't fall out. I'm not ready for the big boy bed yet!

Holly said...

BIG BOY IN A LITTLE CRIB!!! That is what I would entitle the pic of William in the pack and play. LOL!

Sara said...

I love the one of the two of them in the pack-n-play. :-)

Love all these posts!