I am big on planning.
I like to know what to expect and when.
Certain things in our house always happen at certain times.
From day to day at those times you can be certain that those things are going to happen.
Sometimes this drives me nuts.
I want to be more easily interrupted and more happy to take what life hands me.
In fact, I've been praying about this very thing.
Asking God to help me be more calm, spontaneous, interruptable-if you will allow me that made up word (sorry spell check).
You know the quotes, "life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."; the cliches, "life is a journey, not a destination".
I'm sort of praying for more of that mentality. Cliche as it is.
And just as I've been praying for that, would you believe that at this same time William has mastered climbing out of his crib?
I don't think it's any small coincidence. I think God is showing me that
He has a LOT of work to do in me. A lot of work on the interruptibility front.
Because even though you see one precious boy sound asleep in his crib,
Getting him there is not at all what it used to be. And it's not on my schedule. And it's not according to my plan. And it's not at all what I expect.
It's more like this:
blankets, pillow, babies, animals, little stuffed friends all over the floor, (and the introduction of a safety gate)
books strewn about, laundry basket emptied and placed into moses basket,
closet raided and stuffed animals scattered,
more books peppered around the floor,
But finally,
NOT when I say when and not on my schedule, but finally nonetheless,
he sleeps...
in these Crocs he dug out of his closet.
I love this dear boy. He doesn't thrive on schedules like me (or like my little Henry), he laughs at me when I'm stern, he sleeps when he is ready.
I have a lot to learn from him. And although there are times I don't think his disregard of my schedules (ha ha) is very funny, I can find the humor in the way God has chosen to begin to answer my prayer.
I love that last pictures of the two of you. You have the same eyes.
That last picture of you two is SO sweet. I love it! It makes me miss both of you!!!
Wow! You weren't kidding when you told me that William "plays" in his room during nap time. Ha ha! It's really cute to me (of course, I'm not the one who has to clean it up every day either :-) I love your prayer and your desire to be more interruptable. As you know, we're so much the same, and I thrive on schedules. Ben has been talking in his bed for an hour now tonight, and it's driving me crazy. Help me if he starts climbing out!!
Love you!
HAHA! Sounds like my relationship with Ainsley! Those sweet second children. Just when we have it all figured out with our schedule-loving older children, along come the "non-comformists". Ainsley likes to empty all her books in her bed, so I usually go in after she's asleep and try to remove all the books so that they don't wake her up in the middle of the night and she moves around. She also loves to take outgrown clothes out of the rubbermaid containers in her closet and put them in her dresser drawers...there's always surprises for me waiting in her dresser:)
As I read this I couldn't help but think, "ooh, I like how she rearranged that room." Ha!
Seriously, though, I do hope naptime will get a little easier for you. :-)
Love you guys (and love that last pic - so cute!).
This post was hilarious! I could not help but laughing because I am going through the exact same thing with Rylan. I am pretty much obsessed with keeping things in order and on schedule and Rylan decided to change his bed time from 6pm to 10pm and he does not nap during the day! Ugh! And yes, he destroys his bedroom in the process of trying to sleep! I guess God seriously knows what points we need to work on and is always testing and teaching us how to be a better person.
Love the last picture of you two. So adorable!
What a sweet post. I love how he found his crocs, put them on, and climbed back into his crib to go to sleep. And what sweet eyes he has; something in them makes me think of my second (spunky) child Blake too!
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