I was not expecting this. Can you tell?
I knew the box was big and it felt heavy. The card said it was a gift from most everyone; Dan and Sara and family, my mom, Patrick, my Dad and Sandi. I thought, hmmm, maybe something pretty for the house or something nice to wear.
But this? This was so not even on my radar.
This gift thrilled me 6 months ago when I unwrapped it and it continues to thrill me each and every day. This appliance makes me smile. At first I woke up for the sole purpose of of being able to use it. I mean, of course there was much to be thankful for, but those early days I jumped out of bed. Even now when I walk past and I glance over, I smile. I love seeing it sitting there.
So what is this appliance that thrills me so? This most amazing and fabulous birthday gift?
It brews my coffee for me every morning. Always the perfect cup.
A special (from the bottom of my heart) thanks to Sara for finding this Keurig and thinking of me. And thank you to all of you that chipped in to make this Keurig a daily reality for my coffee loving sensibilities. I so love it. Now come on over and have a cup!
It is wrong to be jealous, it is wrong to be jealous, it is wrong to be jealous...
And yet no matter how many times I tell myself this I am SO jealous of your keurig!!! :P
J.K. I am happy for you! :) AND looking forward to mooching some keurig from you very soon. :)
Oh, how I wish I could come over for a cup this morning!
It does make the perfect cup of coffee, and you always have the best creamers!!
Love you!
PS-LOVE your thrilled expression! Priceless!
The photos of the coffee make it look very inviting!! It is not bad that you like having your own birthdays. I had the option of making Kaylee and Ainsley have the same birthday and I actually tried to get them as far apart as I could; 2 weeks:)
Oh, and the excited, suprised expression on your face....I think I know where Henry got his from :) So cute!
Isn't it wonderful. We have one too (and it looks like the same one) and although right now, while I'm pregnant I really can't stand any drinks except water & milk pretty much, I'm looking forward to using it again! It really is wonderful!!!
I'm so glad you like it. I love that first pic of you! :-)
I'm still having Keurig envy, but I think it's best that I didn't box up my old "mini" and keep yours, even though I was tempted. :-)
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